When to take cuttings?


New Member
Hi everyone, I have a little plant that's about 4inchies tall, and it's on it third set of branches growing from the stem. When is the best time to take cuttings, I can only grow to the max of about 2.5 foot (including flowering). Also where do I take a cutting from? Is it only from the top, or do I cut from the branches coming of the stem, or the new branches growing from the stem and the old branch? Sorry if this is a bit vague but I've read lots about this, but I can never find a grow guild with pictures or photos to show me. With only 2.5 foot to grow with in total what would be a good time (height) to start flowering?

Thanks in advance for any help.
It's best to not remove any parts at any time but cloning is sometimes neccessary to continue the growing of certain strains. There are even "clone only" strains out there. Clones should be taken from the lower growth of the plants. They will root easier and faster than cuttings taken from the upper branches and tops.
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