Where in the world is a 2x1x2 grow tent?

Feng Shui

New Member
Hello peeps.

I have looked everywhere on the net for a 2mx1mx2m grow tent.

Can anyone help me out on where to find one?


Oh yeh, there's a BIG point reward for the successful replier!!
Thanks for the reply - 20 points to you!

Not really what I'm looking for though.

Do you think it would be possible to turn a 2x2x2 tent into a 2x1x2 tent by folding it?


The Secret Jardin Intense (their premium line) INT120 is in the neighborhood at 1.2m*2.4m*2.15m. In their Dark Room II line, there is the DR240w II which is 2.4m*1.2m*2.0m.

Their web site is Secret Jardin-DarkRoom- if you want to check them out.

Tents seem to be handy if you've got an open room and you "want to stick a tent in it and be done." But if you've got a smaller space (that has limited absolute dimensions), and you want to use as much of that limited space as possible - and you can't go over - then there's always plywood/mdf/etc., screws, framing lumber, primer/paint, etc. Takes a bit more setup time than the hour quoted in the tent ads (but if you compare a couple quick trips to the local hardware/lumber store with ordering a tent via the Internet and then playing the waiting game, it could well be quicker to build the box), you can't just carry the stuff in under your arm in a small box, and it's not nearly as quick to disassemble in "panic mode." But you can have exactly the space you want with the options you want. It'll be cheaper. I can see more options for disguising a wooden box(sic) in plain sight than an Acme Cannabis Growing Tent (lol). And if your tent is filled with plants in flower and you suddenly get "the KNOCK!" you're kind of f*cked anyway unless your toilet handles intact plants. Plus, if you're the type of person that tends to run with scissors, you could conceivably end up with your arm and whatever sharp object you had in your hand inside the tent, the rest of you outside of it, and light everywhere - whereas if you had the same accident with a well-constructed box, you might be looking at a scratch in the paint on the outside of it and perhaps a bruised nose when you bounced right off of it. (The better tents are pretty durable under "normal use," but as a good friend once said, "Surprisingly, many things in this world just aren't stoner-proof.")

BtW, "folding" a tent to make a smaller one seems unlikely to work. They have a frame that one must assemble that would be difficult to fold. But if you're just trying to size a tent to a particular light footprint, you might be able to rig up a reflective partition somehow. Still won't help if you're trying to fit a 1.2m tent into a space only 1.0m wide, of course.
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