Which Growing Kit to go with?


New Member
I'm new to the growing scene and would like to hear recommendations for growing kits (Reflectors, Ballast and Bulbs). The good and the bad for a few hydro brands?

Thanks Peps
Just thought that I would give my two cents with a recent brand i tried out from my local shop. Its a brand called Apollo Horticulture which is farily new but has very solid basic grow light products. i purchsed their 1000w ballast at the price of usuall 600w brand name ballasts and it runs very well. the product is purple and it comes with a standard 3 yr warranty which can be redeemed by the card they provide and it even has little rubber stoppers! I also purchased their bulbs which are of great value as well. they burn just as bright as my old brand name ones.

i am an old fashioned grower who likes to stick with magnetic ballasts for their reliability but decided to try a dimmable digital ballast for my new grow room that I have set up in my basement. I needed a dimmable ballast which I can adjust when I am working in the room while the lights are on, it is great because i dont feel like lm being cooked anymore!

so ya that's my 2 cents on a digital ballast brand, not sure if thats something you are willing to try. try looking for them on the internet or something, i doubt they are in every shop like some of the more expensive brands like Lumateks or something. Good luck and happy harvesting! =D
From my extremely extensive research I find pros and cons. For noise purposes I would probably run the liquid cooled MH/HPS with their largest wing. They have 2 wing models for the liquid cooled.
There is an American company that has 3W per LED systems (no 1 or 2W LED's anywhere), and that will produce 77% less heat (saving on A/C), and there was only a 6% difference between 2 X 500W of these Specific LED panels compared to a 1000W HPS. The particular model I'm speaking of is not an LED specifically for "Grow", but it will actually properly grow and bloom all the way through the cycle. The LED's are more cost up front, but MUCH savings on electricity from my research, and they supposedly pay for themselves in electrical savings in a year. Maybe playing with a low wattage MH/HPS system joined with LED would be great to test, and then you could sell the unit that seems to not have the outcome of the other unit.
The LED's are supposed to tighten up the nodes really well and produce more crystals (Trichomes). If you want more info there is a full study comparison against the 1000W unit HPS & LED. The panel Im speaking of is a 2011 redisign 9th generation model, and has patented degree angles for coverage. I cant remember if it were a 600W or 1000W MH/HPS, but the research shows that as far as a plant sees "Photosynthesis" the HPS could only deliver 15,000 usable lumens to the plant. It's pretty awkward, but very interesting. I think if you run a non liquid cooled MH/HPS unit you are probably going to have to keep the light 22" above the plants to prevent burn. The liquid cooled can almost touch the plants, but it seems it would be a lot of money to run a huge water reservoir, a chiller, and 2 water pumps (1 for the chiller, 1 for the light). The LED's have virtually silent fans, last 50,000 hours before ANY lumen depreciation, and you can get them 3" from the plants, and some people even let them touch...

I apologize for the length of this message, but I do hope it helps :)
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