Which issue or deficiency is this: first grow


420 Member
attached is three pics approx 3 weeks old. a few of my plants have this curling/crumpling look to them and not sure what it was, heat stress was my first thought so i dropped the temp about 5 degrees. temp is 74 and humidity is 40 to 45. also medium is 70 30 coco perl


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I want to show you something... I am not trying to show off, I just want to illustrate to you that something is wrong with your method.
My plants are fed well. Here is what has resulted after 16 days above ground. Compare this with yours.

So now we need to figure out why yours are not doing this. You fed well with what? Have you been feeding all along, knowing that your coco/perlite has nothing at all nutritious in it? Did you need to adjust the pH when you fed?

Also, it does look like your leaves got some burn, probably from the LED light being too close for tender seedlings. Tell us about your light and how far away it is from the plants? I don't think the room temperature had anything to do with what you see... I think they got too much light and were sunburned.
You can recover from this and I am hoping these are not autos so that the plants will give you some time to do so. The leaves that were damaged will always remain a little funky, but let them try to figure it out.
i was told not to feed for the first week and then i have been feeding 2 ml of calmag 1 ml of micro and gro and .5 ml of bloomfor second week an this week will me feedjng2 ml of cal mag2.5 ml of gro and micro and 1 ml of bloom. all general hydroponics. also the light is a 1000 watt king led about 30 inches above soil
i was told not to feed for the first week and then i have been feeding 2 ml of calmag 1 ml of micro and gro and .5 ml of bloomfor second week an this week will me feedjng2 ml of cal mag2.5 ml of gro and micro and 1 ml of bloom. all general hydroponics. also the light is a 1000 watt king led about 30 inches above soil
Hi again Viper and welcome to our forum. I am glad you found us, and I strongly encourage you to become a regular member of this very special place in the online world, and stop relying on those other sites out there that are run by megalomaniacs and power hungry bro method growing experts. There is no place like 420mag to be able to find out the truth and to feel at home among other members who on here are totally equal to one another. No one is held up to be superior here, and because valid information takes precedence over personality, you will find the truth on this forum.

Do not ever trust the person who told you not to feed, ever again. Calmag is not feeding... it is a supplement designed to fix a problem. Since you don't have that problem, calmag is harmful. Coco has nothing for the plants and they are relying on you for everything. Yes, a seedling CAN survive without nutes for a while, cannibalizing its own starter leaves for nutrition, but that is certainly not the best way to start a plant.

I don't use your nute brand, so I have no idea what your amounts relate to. Is it the correct feeding level for a 3 week old plant, or did your friend also advise you to go light on the nutes and to not trust the manufacturer's recommendations? Why are you using bloom in veg would be my first question. My second question would be again to ask you what you adjusted your pH to when giving that feeding. By the way, you should be feeding every time you water, a couple of times a day. You might want to investigate some threads on here related to how to grow in coco so you can see how other successful growers do it.

Your light sounds like a powerhouse, doing that kind of damage from 30 inches out. Be careful with that flamethrower in the future.
i do feed everytime i water but i only water when the top feels dry should i be water/feeding more. i also ph to 5.8 to 6.
Forget about the top feeling dry, that won't tell ya nothin.

You should water so that the pot returns almost (but not completely) to its dry weight after 24 hours, max. If you can feed/water less volume but more often all the better. Don't rely on the wetness of the top, learn the containers by feel. Do not let them dry completely.

How often do you find yourself watering now? Are you running your line with the recommended veg nutes at the recommended doses?
i do feed everytime i water but i only water when the top feels dry should i be water/feeding more. i also ph to 5.8 to 6.
Very good... from now on pH adjust a bit lower... try to go no higher than 5.8. And yes, this is not a soil grow, it is essentially a hydroponic one, so you need to do two things differently than a soil grower would do...
First you need to keep the nutes coming, most people tend to water with 1/4 the recommended nutes that would sit in a hydroponic reservoir, and do it twice a day to make up for the dilution.
Also, the roots still need oxygen just as they would in soil, and by keeping the coco wet it doesn't get to pull oxygen down into the medium as the water is used like soil does... so you need to oxygenate your water before adding your nutes to it. A simple bubbler setup will allow you to add this oxygen easily... back years ago I remember having to shake up water jugs vigorously to oxygenate the water. The coco will hold the oxygen for you, but you got to get it there first.
its really crazy thst you dont know general hydroponics flora trio. i thought it was super popular. i have always just listend to my friend and he seems to have good luck
its really crazy thst you dont know general hydroponics flora trio. i thought it was super popular. i have always just listend to my friend and he seems to have good luck
I just never bought into that kind of system... and I bet you don't know Fox Farms like I do; it is also super popular. Everyone finds a method they like, and you will too. The fact that you are here tells me that your friend isn't quite able to tell you everything he is doing, or your grow would look like one of his. Keep studying... find the 2 or 3 "how to grow in coco" threads out here on this forum and find out why they got so popular. The information you seek is already written... all you have to do is find it.
Good luck my friend and I hope that I have started you on a very worthwhile quest. :peace: :love:
its really crazy thst you dont know general hydroponics flora trio. i thought it was super popular. i have always just listend to my friend and he seems to have good luck

Anyone that says to wait a week before feeding in coco needs to have their advice taken with a grain of salt. Coco has no nutrients. How can you expect the plant to grow without them?

GH has a feeding chart for drain to waste. In week 3 they recommend 5mL of Gro and Micro and 2.5mL of Bloom. For their CaliMagic they recommend 2.5mL.

But your seedling is probably more equivalent to a week 2, which is

1mL CaliMagic
1mL Bloom
4mL Micro
5mL Gro

Water to runoff, and pick up the pot to check when it needs water - the top of the substrate doesn't give you enough information to know if it's time to water or not. Only weight will.

Edit: The feeding chart for the Flora series can be found on their website.

Good luck!
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