Which Medical MJ is best for chronic pain


New Member
which Medical MJ is best for chronic pain.i hawe fresian dew and one indica, but
indica was for me better.what is your experience.
After 20 yrs (!!!) of intense pain and 5 yrs on oxy I finally went w/ MMJ. But I had to smoke Soooooo much to get relief - I finally started breeding my own - I found that what I called the 'pain factor' portion of cannabis is not necessaraily related to THC content - eventually I bred a strain that had a moderate THC/high pain factor, so I could smoke enuff to get relief before getting so damn stoned I couldn't do anything anyway....I'm not currently growing :-( but do have seeds from my line of high pain factor/moderate THC version - and (fingers crossed) I should soon be able to grow legally - what a huge relief it is just to be able to get meds that work that don't make me a total veg.....
big phil congrats thats exactly what i am trying to do. but one year on oxy was enough. i`m a legal patient/grower in oregon. real easy to do clone only around here. kinda hard to make seeds though. currently fighting cancer.
examine your ladies for a stray male flower or three - odds r they will be there at some point - probably in the early flowering or late veg stages - do a little cross pollination and voila! Seedage! AND - they will be like 99% guaranteed to be ladies as well......
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