White specs on clone leaves


Well-Known Member

I am having problems with Mendo Purps clones. I rooted these in rockwool using Clonex gel and soaked the rockwool in Clonex solution. I transplanted into the party cups when they rooted.

I had a problem with too strong lighting while they were rooting causing burn. I have since cut the burned leaves away.

Now they have the white specs in the pics below. I absoutely do not have spidermites or other pests. I think it is developing in new growth as well as you can see in one of the pics.

I'm lost. What can I do? The soil is Foxfarms. The only nutrients these plants have had thus far is the Clonex solution at 1/4 strength.

Thanks a bunch.



Never say 'absolutely'. You'd think I'da learned that lesson already at my age. Dammit, I have some kind of bug. Now I have to figure out what it is.

They are football shaped with an orange butt, brown front end. Little white legs on the underside. Off to the problem, pest, disease thread.

+1 on the borg.

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