Why are my plants auto flowering?


New Member
I somewhat understand why they are auto flowering but what do I do now? I have kept them in veg for way too long for reasons that don't involve the plant and revolve around my own problems. So now that they are auto flowering do I just change the lights now to 12/12 and start week 2-3 of my flowering chart? What should I do and what should I be prepared for that's different? They are super healthy super tall and super strong. Thanks in advance for help guys
Auto flowering means the light cycle makes no difference. In fact auto strains recommend a 18-6 schedule for the lights so that there is optimum time spent growing. Photosynthesis will drive the growth and that takes place during the lit hours. You've escaped any issues because you treated it correct all along. The first few weeks of an autoflower is mostly to make the plant large and robust! Now for nutes it is a interesting topic which is still 'debated'.

If the plant stays green and healthy and you know it will be done in 60-70 days you might want to around 30 days in start a nute formula best for flowering which will break your plant into two 'periods' even though it is constantly flowering. :goodluck:
Auto flowering means the light cycle makes no difference. If fact auto strains recommend a 18-6 schedule for the lights so that there is optimum time spent growing. Photosynthesis will drive the growth and that takes place during the lit hours. You've escaped any issues because you treated it correct all along. The first few weeks of an autoflower is mostly to make the plant large and robust! Now for nutes it is a interesting topic which is still 'debated'.

If the plant stays green and healthy and you know it will be done in 60-70 days you might want to around 30 days in start a nute formula best for flowering which will break your plant into two 'periods' even though it is constantly flowering. :goodluck:

Wow so keep the lights on 18/6 and pretty much feed the way I was. Ive done this strain before and I never had it auto flower on me. Does that mean I should be feeding them a lot more often? Only been 1 night and tiny nice sized nugs are starting to bloom. What else would be different with these guys since they are "auto flowering"
Nothing else is different. If it is a autoflowering seed the Ruderalis in the plant genes means you have a countdown until done...no muss no fuss. Plant is designed to grow small and produce anywhere from 1-4 ounces based on grower in 50-70 days depending on the actual seed strain. :thumb:

Now if those are not auto seeds just a strain that can bud in a 18-6 cycle then the rules can change a bit but if it buds under those lights leave it in the veg room and let it go as is....did you buy the seeds, get given the seeds, or what? What plant strain is it? :nomo:
Nothing else is different. If it is a autoflowering seed the Ruderalis in the plant genes means you have a countdown until done...no muss no fuss. Plant is designed to grow small and produce anywhere from 1-4 ounces based on grower in 50-70 days depending on the actual seed strain. :thumb:

Now if those are not auto seeds just a strain that can bud in a 18-6 cycle then the rules can change a bit but if it buds under those lights leave it in the veg room and let it go as is....did you buy the seeds, get given the seeds, or what? What plant strain is it? :nomo:

Mine isn't from a seed at all.. They came from kens GDP clones from a top tier cannabis club. I find this all new and scary. Would 14/10 or something work? Instead of 18/6 . I'm also use to getting 2-3 ounces per doing it the other way, would this make it better or normal from my norm. Btw thx so much for the help
Talking about not use to auto flower btw. Been doing GDP for a long time and this has never happened, but at the same time I never waited so long to flower.
Okay the rules change slightly.

You have two concernes and mostly its all upside.

The first concern is your clone going to hermie. Chances are not it is off a viable mother BUT did they traumatize the clipping. This is not common but can occur. In plants described as yours the plant won't show any signs of hermie until it is like two weeks from ready and you will notice it is a FEMALE hermie. Makes no sense I know but the reality is this occurs more often then people know. Sometimes a Female hermie will create banana like pollen sacks right in the bud hard to see, sometimes they have sterile pollen (50-75%) and it is a non-issue but a few times they pollinate a crop.

The second concern is your approach to caring for her. It is hard to tend a plant you already have acting strange. One wants to disturb and mess less with such a plant so as to not push it toward hermie. Your care of this plant should not include crazy pruning, odd shock treatments such as supercropping or topping (except my suggestion below). Try to let your plant grow with least interaction from you so it stabilizes itself as a female and stays healthy. This plant can be a godsend....keep reading.

NOW the upside. Strains have been being messed with so much often just like in nature a 'mutation' can occur. There is more and more plants that are able to flower on light cycles that are not the traditional 12/12. these plants are a god send. They allow larger yields and more robust plants. There is no written law 12/12 is the way to flower it just works 99.9% of the time that way. I would say clone her. Clone a clone you say...I say yes it is one of the few times I would suggest make a mother. You have a super strong gene stock in that clipping, one that has an ability to flower in a long day and therefore you could move your operation into a realm few growers can. You can't go buy a seed that will flower in the 18-6 light nor can you buy a clone that is sold as such. It is like the lotto. Cross your fingers and hope your clone displays the same traits and fear not cloning in flowering....it is a myth they will not survive. Some insist on the 'flowering clone' usually after or around day 21 of flower.

Watch her, tend her, and clone her. See if you can create a mother of a super traited plant. Most growers would give their right arm for a chance at a plant like that. I have grown a loooooooooooong time and never had such a plant. I would let my outdoor crop go crazy all summer if I had such a plant. It lends itself to faster harvests and can in theory be a perpetual plant that grows ALL SEASON maybe even years. As in forever picking flowers as the 'bush' stays viable. Like a rose bush, take the flower but don't kill the plant. Chances are that plant can live a long time as long as you harvest only whats ready when ready and keep it alive.

Would love updates a few time to see which way your plant goes but do not be bummed. You have a good thing there.:goodluck:
"There is no written law 12/12 is the way"

apart from the standard law of nature that states that its a hormonal build up in the plant that triggers flowering, said hormone is destroyed faster than it can be produced on any light schedule greater than 12/12.

Sounds to me like there is some ruderalis in that plant somewhere down the line( or your food/soil has hormone stims) and your plant just happens to have recieved the lions share of that dormant/diluted trait.

just IMHO ;)
"There is no written law 12/12 is the way"

apart from the standard law of nature that states that its a hormonal build up in the plant that triggers flowering, said hormone is destroyed faster than it can be produced on any light schedule greater than 12/12.

Sounds to me like there is some ruderalis in that plant somewhere down the line( or your food/soil has hormone stims) and your plant just happens to have recieved the lions share of that dormant/diluted trait.

just IMHO ;)

Just read up on plants that flower under different time schedules. Read up on how some plants require 11/13..or even more drastic swings. Try reading at all and you will see your standard Law of Nature is not a law....every living thing works unique....else we would all just water and wait.

....there are posts in this very forum on plants not budding right and light/dark timing ratio's being the answer.

RKTeez stick with what I told you and look into it. :Namaste: Genetics are my thing.
Try reading at all

Steady on friend, we are all here for the same reason. you are going to find a whole bag of personalities on here, some will be highly educated in specialised area's, some will have a natural base wisdom, some will be eager and learning fast, some will never get it, some will talk with ego and know nothing and some will be very shy guru's.

sniping or agressive defence of ones stance is reserved for other sites, we are all friends here. if there is a contradiction the experts will soon put things to rights, and more often than not, people pay attention anyway ;)

Just read up on plants that flower under different time schedules.

Very interesting stuff!
I had no idea that mutation were so common.
to me a mutation was a one in a million thing and not something you might even see in every plant.

just read up this article that (my absorbtion rate is still working flat out) seems to me to explain in detail how and why there could be flowering mutations on our SD (short day) flowering plants.

fantastic stuff!!! one could learn a whole new education just to understand it properly tho =/

Photoreceptors and Regulation of Flowering Time
Giga not sniping, was just saying there is a bunch of info on here to check into. :high-five:
Guys you are helping so much and thank you so much, I will post pics so you guys can see how tall and strong these gdps are.

Also the way the flowering is happening... I vegged super long for this too happen, not intentionally what so ever.

So what would be the SAFEST way for me so that NONE of them will turn hermie. I have about 20 GDPS and 1 Bubba, the bubba is the only one that turned hermie and the rest of the GDP all look like they are flowering. Pics coming!



Can't really tell how tall they are. But I am about 6'2 and most are right below my chest or right at my chest. Using 5 gallon pots.
Thx a lot for the help bros, really scared about losing my crop.. Need this a lot. So today is the first day of flowering them with flowering nute and I am just going to stick with light stuff like gh with more bloom than grow etc. Whatever is very light on them for now until I get a better understanding of whats going on. Also they were on 18/6 but I put them on 14/8 because I was kinda confused and didn't want to mess it up by not going 12/12 or 18/6 so went right in the middle :) Sounds like the right thing to do would be put them back on 18/6 hours?
the bubba is the only one that turned hermie

i take it you have quarantined it?

ok...so there is 1 plant that is a hermie and seperate to this you have a big batch of clones that have gone to flower during a long day light pattern. right?

if thats how it is, then it seems they are all going to hermie anyway i think if i understand cloudblood correctly

also, if you have already reduced your day down to 14 hours, going back up to 18 might confuse them, not sure, still learning.
i take it you have quarantined it?

ok...so there is 1 plant that is a hermie and seperate to this you have a big batch of clones that have gone to flower during a long day light pattern. right?

if thats how it is, then it seems they are all going to hermie anyway i think if i understand cloudblood correctly

also, if you have already reduced your day down to 14 hours, going back up to 18 might confuse them, not sure, still learning.

So your saying all the pics I showed are going to hermie anyways? So I should just kill them and start fresh? Very confused

And yeah I just bought 50 kens GDP clones and veggie them for really long and now they just randomly flowered one day. 2 days since they showed signs and they are getting big fast. Will show new pics soon
waiting for cloudblood to see if thats what he means.

as for hermy crop, you just trying to get high yeild of sensi?
if you learn your bits spotting well, you can pinch off any male bits before before they pollenate the flowers.
just check daily.
not a simple task, but i think there are write ups on here about that very thing.

oo but as long as i don't let it get out of hand the ending crop should still be good?

thats what i've been told by frends
Okay lets start slow.

I can guess you vegged three months or 12 weeks and have 5 foot monsters minus the buckets just on description. So we have time dedicated to the room, we need to figure the Ken's out to have so many so large you can't hack and whack to restart it would be heartbreaking...I get that much.

The pics are tough for me to spot anything definitive on them at this point. The real thing is are those plants going to hermie at a really late stage which occurs and is referred to as a 'female hermie'..... which are not the worst type of hermie plants.....have you made sure there is no hermie's already showing? If not your still safe.

Try a experiment. Put one outside, (I assume you don't have a second grow room when it is that large so leave 19 alone in your room), and try light changes on one.....after 12 hours outside put in a closet for dark....see if it does better or worse then the 19 still in a controlled environment. It will only take two or three days to see a difference....you can do the same thing to try a light cycle of longer.....14-8 might be the perfect medium so who knows....but keeping the budding and female traits is our biggest goal now....

If your calling just one Bubba hermie then get it out the room you still have a better chance with the 20 GDP's being seedless......huge yield even if seeded BUT why risk the seeds....stay Sinsemilla if possible.

Did you ask where you bought them if any issues arose around the time you purchased...often they can tell you what others experienced if anything with their clones....most others would have a crop out their clone by now so you could perhaps get the inside scoop.

You have 20 plants acting exactly the same way to long light hours? I am thinking on that one.....20 budding under 18 hour lights after vegging for 3 months or there about ....20 plants at 5 feet each is well... a lot of work. I'd say 10 gallons a day watering and nutes galore. I can see the need to try and salvage this crop.....keep the single hermie away.

....things that pop in my head....

The holy grail plant might be one of 20.....how wonderful would it be to have a crop that just constantly bloomed....try the experiment and leave the majority as you been going.....at least until you know what is occurring. I am asking around of pals who grow with GDP's mostly if they ever had a similar experience.... :goodluck:
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