Why I Just Can't Pull 'Em

It's been years since I pulled a plant and hung it to dry. Instead, I take the buds as they mature--one by one--and in three cuttings, sometimes four. In this way, I harvest buds at different stages of their maturity--cloudy trichomes, cloudy white with sparse amber, and half or more amber. This gives me three different highs/effects from each variety I grow.

If I had done the guerrilla pull like the olden days, I'd have completely missed things like this--popcorn buds that never saw the light of day under the canopy of their heavier sisters coming into their own and coloring with the palette of Autumn....



These are some of the last buds on the Strawberry Cough shrubs. I started Harvest on them sometime late September. Each cutting lent sunshine and energy to the lower buds down the stalks, bringing them to perfect maturity. These buds are about the size of a ping-pong ball each and hard as a broccoli floret, now snipped and drying in a roomy flat with dozens more of their sisters. Had I pulled the whole plant a month ago, I would have missed a second harvest grown to the size of the first along with the incredible color changes of the third, ending up with fluffy, green, immature, dime-sized nugs fit only for the hash heap. Waiting a month, I'm harvesting an additional pound of lovely lovely and drool-worthy bud of spectacular color.

Can't get better than that. ;)
You make a very strong case there Irish... I will follow your ways and do the same in the future!! Thank you for lending your knowledge once again!
Dude that colour is just insane :adore:

Ain't it, though? Both plants turned black. Buds, leaves...and the aroma! OMG! Talk about RICH....and nothing like strawberry at all. More...pungent pepperiness. ;)

You make a very strong case there Irish... I will follow your ways and do the same in the future!! Thank you for lending your knowledge once again!

You're very welcome, Doc. I aims to please. :grinjoint:

its a good technique. i do the same thing.

I think Harvest is ever so much easier this way too, since the trimming and curing can be done in steps instead of all at once. Makes for a better cure since it can be done in smaller, manageable custom batches.

That is some beautiful dark colouration. Your method is very sucessful!
Does this work with hydro too, or does the flush kinda mean you need to harvest all the buds at once?

I'm a strictly outdoors girl, but I would imagine one could do it hydro with some sort of nute adjustment between cuttings and a flush before each cutting. But I don't know for sure. Some indoor guru could tell you better than I.....

Lol. i noticed right after i posted it ;) its correct now.
Very tasty looking. Reps for an incredible grow. More trimming. lol

You mam', know how to grow!

Pssst, its a lady;):popcorn:

Lol. i noticed right after i posted it ;) its correct now.

LOL! You guys just crack me up!

Hey Screwnuts33--more trimming.....

And this is how those lovelies turned out--been in a nice cure for the past month or so....



The buds are dark, but the inside, rather, the parts of the bud closest to the stem, are an emerald green.


I pulled a nuglet and sat it on top so you can see the gradation a little better.

Here's another shot with the nuglet cut to reveal a bit of the inside. Crappy pic, but the "macro" I have is on a 200mm zoom and I have to stand about 6 feet back to get that "macro" shot....

But Irish! How about trimming the rest of the bud? ;)

Oh okay. An adventure in trimming the rare and elusive black bud of Autumn.....


Dayum! Look at all of that leaf that came outta there!


Looks good enough to eat!

And the final product:


Hmmmmm.... Kinda looks like a wooly bear with a stick up his.....:trance:

wow i am impressed irish.that is the most insane chronic looking nugget i have ever seen.very very nice.
The bear comment made me laugh! Damn, most people will never even get to smoke stuff as good as that trim let alone the bud. Wow, great plant Irish. Thanks for the share.
sexy buds, they look even better cured. that is a really great harvest tecnique for those big outdoor plants... i may try that on the giant wheelchairs in my basement.

great job irish!!
OMG...That is some of the darkest sweetest bud I have ever seen..it looks like something one should eat for sure.
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