Will I be ok..pregnant..should be clean by now


New Member
I'm posting to this forum because I did smoke some during my pregnancy. I'm due Jan 28th and smoked a few hits from a joint the first week of jan and took two good inhales of a bowl may be two weeks ago. I weight 241 stand 5'8". I didn't smoke everyday before Jan. Just a little sometimes may be twice a week a joint with friends. I have been drinking water and taking Azo's (cranberry pills). Well, I got into a arguement with a so called friend and they said they were going to call DHS and tell them I have been smoking my whole pregnancy. I did research on if smoking would harm my child and from what I found out baby will be fine. In Oklahoma will they test me and the baby for THC at the hospital just on GP. Should I be clean by the time baby is due.
I'm so scared to loss the one thing so improtant to me in my life when I have decided to stop smoking until after breatfeeding.
God help me.
Someone give me some good advice.
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