Will these survive (outdoor grow)


New Member
Ok, so I'm new at this and I think I've proven I do NOT have a green thumb.

So I tried germinating 30 seeds in the house which I then planted directly outside without sprouting in the house first. Out of 30 I had 3 sprout, a deer killed 1 and for some reason the 2nd just up and died one day after a storm. I'm now left with 1 still living plant. It looks like a few days ago something took a bite out of one of the leaves even though I have deer/rabbit repellent sprayed around it however it seems to still be doing ok. I am concerned however that it is 2 months old and this is all the bigger it is, here's a photo:

Ok, so I thought I'd try again with another 30 seeds, this time sprouted in the house first. Out of 30, 28 sprouted, so then I took the seedlings and transplanted them outside. I took a posthole digger and dug 2 foot holes that I filled in with mg organic potting soil as we have heavy clay soil thinking this may have played a factor on why most of the original batch didn't sprout. All seemed to be well for a few days until we had a good rain, the next day all but 1 were dying, so again I'm left with 1 plant still growing, but when I found it it was not healthy. It had completely fell over on it's side and I figured it would die soon also but I lifted it up and burmed up some soil around the stem and it seems to be recovering, it did however lose one of it's big leaves. (Side note: this one I only turned the soil up and did not put in any mg potting soil as I had ran out for this one). Here's a pic of this one:

So, for the future I will not only sprout in the house but let grow in the house for several weeks before transplanting, hopefully they will be heartier at that point and have a better success rate. Also, I will not use mg potting soil again, when the plants in this soil died they basically just dried up and died so I wonder if they were nute burned? (Also a few of these didn't have a chance as deer had went through and dug up about 6 of them just to be mean lol).

Do you guys think it's too late to start another batch now? I was considering trying yet another 30 and growing them in the house until it's time to flower then transplanting outside, this would put the transplant time around August. I live in the midwest so not sure if this is feasible or not.

Thanks Ms Fox, lol yeah I read all about how horrible mg soil was after I already did it, lesson learned. I just ordered a sun blaze t5 6 6500k bulb fixture to start the next batch in the house with and will take them outside after several weeks.

Also, is it normal for a plant started outside to be so small after 2 months as the 1st photo in my post is? I thought maybe since it doesn't get 24/7 light like an indoor started plant would get might be why. Sorry if this seems like a noob question but alas I am a noob lol. Maybe I should give it some nutes? I did give it some mg tomato plant food in a super weak solution a couple of weeks ago, maybe I should give it another shot? It's been raining quite a bit lately so I want to make sure the roots don't get saturated by over watering it.
Well I went ahead and gave a good shot of mg tomato nutes to the bigger one, hopefully it gives it a boost.

Now, for right or wrong I went ahead and gave a super small shot to the little one and knocked down some weeds around it to get it some more sunlight. The soil around it doesn't seem to be drying as quick as it should either so this might help that a bit also. It seems to be just stretching instead of doing any leaf production so maybe this will help. I hate having a big old ring knocked down in the weeds around it though in case a heli goes flying over. I guess by the time it gets any size to it the weeds will be back up again though. Unlike mj, I have no problem growing regular weeds lol.

Now to finish off my luck with these first 2 batches I'm sure both of these will end up males lol.

Live and learn I guess, the 3 batch will be the charm.
Well I checked on the little one today and discovered that the stem snapped and it was just laying on the ground. It has rained like every other day for the last month it seems lol.
Anyway, is it possible for the stem that is still attached to root or is it just done? I put it in a cup of soil soaked in transplant nutrients.
I actually decided to move the broken plant from the cup to a jiffy box with the pellet soaked in mg starter solution. I don't know if it will reroot or not but this is 24 hours later and it doesn't look any worse, in fact it might even look a bit better.
Here's a new pic of the lone survivor still outside:

(BTW, sorry for all the blurry photos, I have parkinsons so it's tough to hold the camera steady lol)
I finally got some rooting powder tonight and dipped the stem in it so maybe it will have a better chance of growing some roots and taking off again.
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