WOLFtick3t's First Journal - Sensi NL Auto - Bathtub Grow

Thanks Elf! :Namaste: my rigorous genetic selection process ensures only the very best survive my incompetence :bongrip:
Bit of a photo dump. Tried to fit everything in!

The Farm







Day 60 For Tatianna from seed, about day 40 for the first Siberians from seed, 30-ish for Maria and day 12-ish for the new Siberians above ground.

Some B&W to change it up :Namaste:


P.S. My medium-base splitters aren't going to be here for a month? I must have read something wrong. Will have to rectify before then because once I have a tub full of plants I'll need the extra CFL power. Would also like to swap the UFO for a second 360W panel so I can make a Flowering chamber for Maria, but she's still got time before that's vital. Also designing a seedling and vegging chamber but I think there are better lights for that project than the UFO.

A very merry almost Christmas Eve to all the pot fans. Winter solstice, holiday season. Ya'll know :Namaste:

Everyone is doing their thing. I keep trimming Tatianna as she flowers a little more and I can see what's what. Being my first baby she gets all the experimenting. I probably should have trimmed more earlier and even now the 2-4 lowest branches could probably have been taken off weeks ago as they don't look to be big producers but they're grown now and since she has the space I mostly just keep thinning out the leaves and getting rid of the undergrowth. Will water her tonight with more EJ Bloom and Catalyst and just a drop of Grow. I've backed off from 2 gallons to 1 gallon of water as the runoff was excessive, especially now that she isn't burning at the tips anymore. She's a pretty one and I can't wait to see how all those buds fill out. If I hadn't trained her to the side the main cola would be maybe 3.5 or 4 inches taller.

Isabella and Svetalana are still growing away. Starting to get a little bushy and thicken up with Svetlana being the high achiever so far. I'd expect some serious growing in the next few weeks as they're almost at week 6 now. They certainly are different from the NL and while Auto says they 'skip' right to flowering without a real veg stage I didn't expect it to be so fast. They'll be needing nutes soon and I'll have to read and see if they need different treatment given their growth pattern.

Our two newest Siberian girls, Viktoria and Galina, are right around 2 weeks from seed today and are looking great. I think the flushing worked as I see no signs of any burn. I'll have to be careful when I add nutes but one problem solved, hopefully. With no burning in the 3 gallon pots and a few plants ahead of them I have high hopes (har har) for these two little ladies.

Maria is looking like a lady. Wish I knew what her genes were but maybe when she's a bit older I can guess. Good start, anyhow, and my flower chamber design is coming along. Thinking the UFO mounted on a garbage can with a custom dome lid, maybe. It's a work in progress, haha.

Cheers and peace to the whole dirty lot of you :grinjoint:
Some photos from Christmas Day.




All 4 Trans Siberians doing well. Viktoria and Galina have no signs of burn which makes me happy. Grow and maybe a touch of Catalyst in their next watering.

I think I'll start a new journal for 2016's perpetual grow and let this one fade away after Tatianna is finished. Bury my noob mistakes :thumb: especially since I don't have any more NL seeds so it's a few months before they get back into the rotation.

Tatianna is headed for Day 70 this coming Friday. Gave her a gallon of plain PH'ed water this morning, she seems to be fine with the Bloom and Catalyst. Tapering off the Grow nutes.

Jan 1 I'll be germinating a couple of Royal Dwarf seeds to add to the farm. I finally got wise and ordered the 3 gallon smart pots with the handles cut in them. Much easier to mover around in the tub without disturbing everything.
Boxing Day Midnight Photos of Tatianna - End of day 65 from seed - Sensi NL Auto



More trimming for Tatianna. Haircut this morning and then a gallon with some Bloom/Catalyst/Grow.


From yesterday, before the big trim.


Only other thing I did was FIM'ed Galina last night. Since I have 6 more Trans Siberian seeds I hope this group of 4 gives me a good idea of how they grow.
All quiet on the Northern Lights front. Siberians are doing well. Viktoria is looking very large for day 20-ish.

Fan, more nutes (bloom guano) and CFL's showing up in the new year. Otherwise just waiting patiently for Tatianna to plump up :Namaste:






The tall 2 gallon pots worked less well than I had hoped for.



Tatianna looking bare but also really loading on buds. Watered everyone yesterday. Viktoria is wider than her pot now and starting to grow fast at about 20 days above ground.
And here we have some photos from a few minutes ago. Everyone is doing well. I'm enjoying my midget bonsai Trans Siberian plants almost as much as these new monsters, haha.




Tatianna is doing well. I'm not sure exactly how far from harvest but my amateur guess would be another couple weeks minimum.

Viktoria is an aggressive little girl. Day 23 above ground and she's huuuuge by my standards, haha. And still no burn! Praise the pot gods.
Thanks! Starting to get pretty sticky. I'll have to bust out the macro lens later and see what they look like up close.











Not all sure what I'm looking at but when I touch the leaves now my fingers are always sticky. Smells a bit but not bad unless I start trimming.

Fan is now running. Finally. Slight issue with shipping of more Growstone so the new seeds haven't been germinated yet but maybe tonight or tomorrow.
Bingo! Haha. Malbec it is. I think the gf is starting to get concerned about all the times she walks in and sees me just looking at them :laughtwo:
Alright! Just got back from an epic Growstone hunt and came back sucessful. Two of my parcels got held up over the holidays but everything is back on track now. I'll germinate the two Royal Dwarf seeds at Midnight tonight. Should be about 4 weeks behind Viktoria and Galina. 12-ish days after today and a couple more Trans Siberian seeds go down. Starting to roll!

My attempt to FIM Galina failed due to cutting too high. I said what the heck and just topped her instead.

Only other new thing is the 105 watt 65K CFL is now operating in the Veg (left) reflector. Two more 85 watt 27K bulbs ready to go when the splitters get here in a week or two. Hope to stick the second 360 LED in then too and pronounce my lighting complete - for the time being.

Oh and picked up some Big Bloom Guano from EJ, too. Last part of their nute line I wasn't using, haha. I can maybe get one feeding in with it for Tatianna but I think I have to start flushing her soon after that.

Now I've got to go fill the 2 new pots. Buffaloam, Black Gold, Growstone, clay pebbles on the bottom and Espoma Seed Starter around the seed when planted. Skipping the Coast of Maine this time as it went from $1 quart to like $2.50 quart. No Bueno.

Will report back when something good (or bad, haha) happens.
It's hard to believe that Viktoria and Svetlana (two Siberians in the front pots) are the same strain. I'll have to try the small pots with another strain sometime but I think the small pots, nute burn early on as well as the very fast nature of the Veg/Flower switch in the Trans Siberian genes lead to their miniature stature. I'll keep an eye on Galina since I topped her and see how she compares to Viktoria. My guess is she's going to be smaller.



Watered everyone today with various combos of nutes. Not much for the Siberians but Tatianna got a good dose of EJ Bloom, Catalyst and Big Blooming Guano. Probably about half the suggested amount of each in a gallon of water, PH comes out around 5 with the Bloom/Catalyst and I have just been leaving it there.
Found a cool magnet :high-five: haha. Says 'This Is Awesome Weed'. Last look at the partly full grow area as it is getting crowded now.


The new setup with one germinated Royal Dwarf auto seed in the new pot and the other pot ready for its girl soon, hopefully. Everyone fits well and I'll have to work on the lights a bit but overall I'm pretty happy. This is what I had in mind back in October and its all coming together. Much thanks to everyone who has lent a hand and support to a noob like me :Namaste:


Been doing some research, aka reading some other grow journals haha, trying out a ponytail and some leaf tucking on Viktoria to round her out a bit.


Keep almost pulling the trigger on a second 360 watt panel but I'm trying to wait a week or two until I see how the new arrangement is working and measure to see how best to arrange things. Ideally I'd wait until after all 4 CFL bulbs were in but those splitters are taking forever to get here.

Watered Tatianna and the two elder Siberians with PH'ed water - a tsp of EJ Hi-Brix Molasses in a gallon. Tomorrow the plan is to take a proper look at the trichromes on those 3 and make a better estimate of the situation. Svetlana particularly looks almost ready to harvest as her pistils have darkened considerably this week already. I'd guess maybe next Friday would be her day. Tatianna seems in no hurry and lots of her pistils are still pretty fresh looking.
It's beginning to look a lot like Cannabis! Everywhere you growww.
Take a look at the trichromes here, a little cloudy and clear. And starting to get amber everywhere you gooo!

No but really - do I harvest now? Haha. I was thinking a first cut this Friday and the majority the Friday, the 22nd, after that. Looking at these I think maybe just chop all three (Tatianna and the bonsai Trans Siberian sisters) this Friday, the 15th.










Trans Siberian



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