Wood or glass

Glass, hands down. The idea of smoking out of something that we use as fuel doesnt seem appetizing to me. Hand me a wooden pipe made out of ebony in the shape of a gothic les paul, and i'll toke it all day though.
Glass will not degrade at the low temperatures a lighter or match produces. Wood will degrade with time and make charcoals. Glass wins. :peace:
deer antler is not safe

i've made many pipes out of antler. nice ones too, they sold in shops. i lined mine with shell casings so they were brass lined. brass was probably harmful too but it had to be better than burnt antler.

i say vape if you can or stick with glass
Well that's a creative use for spent brass. :grinjoint:
all those pipes are still valuable as collectables even if you don't use them. i also miss seeing all that artwork. i love all the variations you get with glass but i miss those made from more natural substances. i miss proto pipes too. i wonder how many antler pipes i could sell if i put a warning tag saying 'not safe for use'?
well glass dose have its advanages and id know a person that blows very nice pieces. but with the proper knoledge and craftsmanship their is nothing like a hand carved pipe out of wood. look at the tabbaco industry you dont see many people smoking pipe tabaco from a glass pipe. or do you see many this is my prize moste faverate pipe in the hole whole worold. the fact of the matter is that gass is a dime a dozen . in avalability and thay cost cents to make while the mark up is unbeleavable, but the degridation over a 10 to 20 year time in a very nice hand carved hand polished masterpiece that i only make as gifts for friends are charish for years while the broken glass lies on the floor only to leave you off to the local head shop to buy a new one. one natural thing making another natural thing aduet of wonder.
duhI used to smoke out of a small rose or cherry wood pipe. I have since learned that cherry can be carcenogenic. Not sure about rosewood tho. And we also had deer antler with abalone bowls, not sure of the safety of these smoking devices either. Recently my hubby has been trying using a magnifying glass to be the ignition - no breathing of sulfer off match or butane from lighter. Only prob is its winter and not much sun!

I highly doubt that sulfer from a match and butane from a lighter can harm you at all.theyre only lit for a couple seconds anyway
I highly doubt that sulfer from a match and butane from a lighter can harm you at all.theyre only lit for a couple seconds anyway

True, but its more about taste than harmful effects. Have you ever lit a bowl with a magnifying glass? Tastes completely different.
For a non-glass pipe, I like the Celebration pipe. They are made in Hawaii out of Volcanic lava stone with a variety of both semi-precious and precious stones added. All the bowls are also 22kt gold lined. Each piece is individually numbered and only so many of each stone are made. This makes them collectors pieces in their own right. In addition, Bob Marley owned one so you know it's good. :Rasta:

I own one and really like it, although the bowl is huge, it really is meant for a celebration! :peace:

Aloha from Celebration Pipes
it took me 30 years to smoke out of glass and now thats all i prefer, i still have my oldies but goodies layin around but glass does seem to be better
I have only ever owned glass pieces. I have smoked out of metal and hated the taste. I think a cool carved wooden peace pipe would be nice to have around.
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