Would you use an analog timer for flowering?


Well-Known Member
I use an analog timer for veg. just one of those ones with the little tabs that you pull up and push down for on and off. and a digital for flowering.

I'm just wondering what the trust level is for these things.? i mean their fine in veg as there's more wiggle room, but i'm a little afraid to try use one in flower.

Anyone else?
Used mechanical timer for many grows but wanted to see my true watts . Found some smart plugs on Amazon , hooked to app, told watts , energy over time n could set schedules all great stuff. Used it for a few weeks in VEg then one day my network dropped and I discovered the plug hadn't kept schedule and stayed on. You would think if it lost connection it was stick to set schedule. Thank God it happened it Veg. Back to my reliable mechanical timer. Even if power goes out it will still give plants 18/6 or 12/12 when power comes back.
Some of the mechanical timers keep time perfectly- others don’t. The mech timers seem a little more durable and less prone to burning out and going up in flames, which is an issue I’ve had in the past with the digital ones. I look for the ones that are rated for higher wattages.

I get a lot of power outages so prefer digital for that. Setting the parameters on them can be trickier because there are more options to screw up. Maybe that’s just me- but the number of times I’ve managed set them wrong is still sort of mind boggling to me.
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