x outdoor grow - white spots! wtf?


New Member
# of plants: 6

Strain: "Purple Skunk" X "Butterscotch"
"Purple Skunk" X "Lil Big Leaf Dro"

(these were the names given to the previous plants in previous grows, its a cross between them)

Indica/Sativa: Not sure... bit of a mix

Flowering now - the plants are at the 6 month mark


Soil: this has got everything in it, from a friends veggie garden... the plants seem to love it

Pests: Ants, Red Backs & Grasshoppers

Watering: Can not give specifics on this. Gradually less but have had massive amounts of rain recently.

I really have just planted these and let them do their thing.
They have been looking sweet until last week when I noticed white spots on them.
This has spread badly accross nearly ALL of the leaves on 4 of them now.
I have brought them inside and had a really close look at them, had a friend look at them and sifted through the grow journals but I am not sure what it is...
Can anyone help me out on this one?




The tops of them seem okay? I think...



thanks for the reply! have you had this happen to yours before>?

sorry for putting the post in this section i feel like a dumbass right now

I do have snaps from when they sprouted up to now tho... should I change this and start from the start? Ive only just run into problems and been rushing to solve this... if I can. I have read the How do I Recognize, Control, and Prevent Powdery Mildew? I am a little scared they are too far gone as its all over them and it says "Powdery mildew is almost impossible to stop in late flowering" & "Smoking or trimming infected buds can cause sickness and lung infections, and is not recommended". I reckon the powdery mildew is a spot on diagnosis; I moved them to the corner of my garden pretty much because of the height they got to and I reckon it has been that little bit too shaded and damp recently. Im not sure what to do... :(
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