Young plants growing (slowly) and have drooping leaves.


Well-Known Member
Hi all. First time grower here. I've tried my best to read this site and figure out the problem on my own. But, I am going to have to admit defeat and look for other's opinions.

Seeds sprouted on 3/26/14. They were germinated on Rapid Rooter plug and transplanted to a 3" peat pot. The medium is 75% coco/25% perlite. They are watered with 5.8 ph water and received their first GH Flora series nutes early this week.

They were under CFL bulbs until 4/10/14 when they were moved under a 400w MH bulb that is around 15" from top of plants to glass in hood. Good ventilation and a small oscillating fan is in my tent. Temps were cool for the first week or so, but have stabilized in the low to mid 70's

The problem is twofold. First, they seem to be growing very slowly and second, the leaves a drooping down. This has been the case since they sprouted. I originally thought I was simply watering them too frequently, although the pot always felt feather light and the top of the medium was bone dry. So, I cut back on watering. Then, this past Monday, I accidently knocked over a plant (not pictured) and the medium poured out of the pot like sand. So, I honestly don't think they are overwatered. I've since switched to about every third day.

Here's a look at the two surviving plants:


Here's a closer look at the AK-48 seedling:


and of the Northern Lights seedling:


Finally, a shot of the interior of my 3X3 grow tent showing filter, light height, etc:


If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Let me know if you need further information.

Thanks for looking!
Nice set up very clean and nice intro first off. Try sticking finger down in the dirt on the edge of pot and feel is its wet. Do you know how the weight of your pots feel when they are dry? When you have small pots or solo cups try and feel weight when you first put soil in without water so you can always pick them up to test as well as sticking finger in soil. They 400 light can dry top soil very fast but under can be very moist on you. I would agree with UMirin by they way the look all nice and green with leafs coming down would look like water sitting at bottom on ya.
I shall bow to the consensus and assume they are over watered. I truly do not see how--it seems like a @#$% desert in there. But, I will wait until they start drooping/wilting before watering again.

I've been going by "guessing" the dry weight, and it always feels light. When I KNOW it's dry, I am going to weigh that sucker and use that as my baseline. Maybe I'll have a bit more experience in judging by the time I transplant.

Thanks everyone for the replies.
Sweet man as long as you get it figured out and she gets happy again that's what counts. Happy women makes a happy home most of the time lol. Good luck and post any other ? when you got them. Feel free to stop in any of my forums and say hello.
Maybe the bottom of the pot is still moist. Wait for it to completely dryout and water then.

:blushsmile: Well, that's what I thought I was doing. One reason I used the peat pots instead of a plastic one is so I could see the outside, touch the bottom, etc and get an idea of moisture level. But that theory is shot... Live and learn!
Mothers plants 7gallon and up. Flowering plants 5 gallon unless you doing a 4+months veg then 7gallon
Sorry for the pic in your Thread. I thought if you did not know about them you would have something to read. Man you got to move this into a grow journal. You should see if 420mag can do that for you.
Well, I guess that I will be using the 3 gallons and buy larger size for next grow if needed. As far as veg time---I really don't know. I have a five foot tall tent, so I was thinking until they were around 16-18" tall, then switch to flower.
I plan to if I can get them to grow enough to start! My goal was to attempt a FIM, then LST. I have some binder clips to attach to side of smart pots and some of that coated garden wire to attach to plant.
I would do topping and then tying for LST. The when they turn into bushy plants make a scrog net and scrog about a month before veg. That should get you about half pound or more if done right and the right light or lights. Very easy to do. May sound like a lot to do but its not.
Oh just a hint when doing topping and tying then scrog you want to get them into a 5gallon to give them room to grow. Smaller will limit there growing capability's
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