pm or trichromes?


New Member
during the cure, the trichromes got white and I'm worried It is powdery mildew. Working on getting a microscope, but until then, what do yall think? One is a pic with the flash, the other without.


Yeah, it could just be the strain. I just got concerned when the trichromes went from a shiny glisten to a white, al.ost powder look. I just need a microscope to completely ease my mind I suppose. Under magnification Pm looks like a bunch of crystally white hairs correct? As opposed to the mushroom looking trichs?
Bought a microscope from the hobby store today. Was able to hold the phone up to the eyepiece and take a picture. It appears to have powder mildew. What would cause that? Going into the jars a little early?
Haha but now the more I look at it I'm not sure... I did this round in a bud trimmer. It looks like after all the tumbling around maybe those trichs just got all pushed around and stuff instead of standing strait up like the trichs we see online
After lots of looking under a microscope and even more googling. I've came to the conclusion it's not mildew. Mildew under a.microscope actually has a more beaded hair look. in my case it's just the trichs on the outside are bent and twisted balled up in spots from being tossed and tumbled around. It's normal looking. If you take a clipping from the inside of the bud, they stand a little straiter
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