CA: Bay Area Women Get High On Cannabis-Infused Tea


Three dozen women, most wearing cocktail dresses and vintage hats, gathered in the backyard of a private Mill Valley, Calif. home last month to snack on delicate finger sandwiches, chat, and microdose on cannabis-infused tea.

The “High Tea” was one of a few recent Bay Area parties hosted by Kikoko, a newly launched line of cannabis-infused organic teas that claim to offer relief from migraines, menstrual pain, insomnia, and loss of libido.
In a recent story from the Chronicle’s cannabis culture site,, writer Amanda M. Fairbanks reveals the party’s details.

“In general, the group was white and middle-aged, an equal mix of professional women and affluent homemakers,” she writes. While many party-goers didn’t feel comfortable disclosing their full names (out of fear of being criticized or their children being denied playdates) they didn’t shy away from praising the benefits of cannabis-infused tea.

Katie, a mother of two, said Kikoko’s Sensuali-Tea, intended to aid loss of libido, gave her a boost in the bedroom. After trying out the tea, she and her partner experienced “super-amplified orgasms.”

Kikoko offers four varieties of tea — Sympa-Tee, Sensuali-Tea, Positivi-Tea, and Tranquili-Tea — each containing between three and 10 mg of THC, psychoactive component in cannabis. The teas, sold in a can of ten sachets each, go for between $40 and $56.

Another party-goer, Catherine, 48, started using edibles to treat her insomnia, hoping to avoid pharmaceuticals. But edibles left a odor on her breath that her children noticed. Cannabis-infused tea, however, didn’t leave a trace. “My children don’t know what I’m doing. I’m just having a tea,” she said. “It’s something you can definitely do every night.”

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