CT: Dozens Rally At Capitol In Favor Of Marijuana Legalization

Photo Credit: FOX61

A push for marijuana in Connecticut made its way to the steps of the Capitol Sunday.

“We’re here rallying for House Bill 5394. It’s a vote for legalization of cannabis and grow rights here in Connecticut,” said  Cody Roberts who supports legalizing marijuana.

Dozens came out to the rally, urging lawmakers to make it legal.

“We need to be heard. We’re here, we have the support, its evident here,” said Paul Kirchberg, Executive Director of Connecticut NORML.

Kirchberg says marijuana is the only thing that helped his PTSD, adding that the stigma needs to go. “The best thing about cannabis is normalizing it. Bringing it to every day life, I don’t think it should be shunned, I don’t think it should be backalleyed. I think it should be on Main Street.”

Others point to what marijuana did for Colorado’s economy. Last year alone, the state took in $247,368,473 in taxes and fees related to marijuana sales. It has taken over $63 million in revenue since January.

“Denver is booming. They’ve got money for the schools, they’ve got money for infrastructure, they’ve got a low tax base. They’ve got a building boom going on,” said Robin Dioron-Yorke of Windsor Locks. This will help the economy tremendously. its gonna bring a whole bunch of money in. They need money here. I don’t want a toll, I don’t want to have to pay a toll to go across the state line in Springfield. I pay enough taxes here with the gas, property, income tax.”