WI: Milwaukee County Might Weigh In On Marijuana Legalization

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Milwaukee County Supervisor John Weishan wants to ask voters if they want Wisconsin to legalize marijuana for people 21 and older.

Legalization of the drug is gaining momentum across the country, and voters in Wisconsin’s most populous county should have a chance to weigh in on the matter, according to Weishan.

“It’s time that the state of Wisconsin got with the 21st century,” he said, adding that legal marijuana also could boost tax revenue.

Under his proposal, voters would be asked if they think the state should regulate the commercial distribution of pot and tax it. The proposal passed the county’s judiciary committee Thursday and now goes to the full County Board. If approved at the board’s May 24 meeting, it would go on the Nov. 6 general election ballot as an advisory referendum.

State lawmakers have not acted on legislative proposals to remove criminal penalties for personal marijuana use.

A Pew Research Center survey says six out of 10 Americans now support legalizing the drug. Eight states and the District of Columbia have legalized possession of small amounts of marijuana for adult recreational use, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.