Blog entries by tintala

Posted in the blog: Nutrient Conspiracy Continued
With a little more research and thought put into my theory and a thread I started in "grow supplies" , there were some retorts made to support the GIANTS "don't ask don't tell" policy. I have come up with a bit more information as to why the MANUFACTURERS SHOULD allow open discussion on...
So to perpetuate the ongoing 'conspiracy", and support BIG MIKE , i would like to forward the information as told to me by BIG MIKE. We all know there is a huuge debate as to whether BIG mike has degraded the industry, that's left to speculation. However, I am getting more perturbed by the...
Ok so I really didn't know where to put this and figured a blog would be good starting point. After being a grower for quite some time now,as a caretaker and a caregiver , a bunch of research some awareness and intuition as well has led me to believe there is a conspiracy in the "NUTRIENTS "...
Posted in the blog: NEPAL : Land Of HASHISH and YOGIS
The first time I visited Nepal was in 1997, when I was invited by my TABLA guru to come and live with him in Nepal and study with him . Climbing was also HIGH on my agenda list. After almost a year of studies, I met my wife now, then she was my Travel agent. I had to book my ticket as a terrible...
After years and years of debate about when and where to partition my farm with the relatives, my mother finally decided to dedicate the farm to me and my brother.. We now have a portion of the 300 acres that was my grandmothers farm. However there is another lot on the farm where the HOUSE...
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