Ok so I really didn't know where to put this and figured a blog would be good starting point.

After being a grower for quite some time now,as a caretaker and a caregiver , a bunch of research some awareness and intuition as well has led me to believe there is a conspiracy in the "NUTRIENTS " Industry. This HUUGE industry DOES have a huge impact on all of our lives in one way or another.

We have all heard or most of us that DUPONT and MELLON were the conspirators to shut down the "MARIJUANA" industry , which by the way the term "MARIJUANA " doesn't mean a dam thing , it's not even what the mexicans called it. This term is propoganda from the HENRY ANSLINGER days.

The industry posed great threats to their capital gain. A wealthy company called DUPONT was threatened by cannabis/ HEMP, but then POT was lumped into the same law around 1937, after HEMP had been legal to use for pAYING taxes with back in the 1600's.. But my point being DUPONT became such a huge company to being what they are today. Now if any has been aware that's a PAINTER or a carpenter or BUILDER, you MAY OR MAY NOT be aware of the monopoly DUPONT/DOW has on our materials.

JUst about everything that goes into a house is DERIVED from the evil earth killers , DUPONT. THe other day I found out that "PURDY" brushes are made from DUPONT< I WAS LIKE WTF? Not only do they make 90% of the items that go into building, but they also make most if not all of the fertilizers , pesticides and GMO seeds in the WORLD~! THEY ARE THE CONGLOMERIZED MONOPOLY! I was born on a farm and grew up farming for the most part, couldn;t get away from DUPONTS CLUTCHES.:( Everything a farmer used in his fields was from yep ,, DUPONT. In India DUPONT has monopolized the seeds industry by sellin gGMO cotton seeds , then all they do is kill the earth, the original genetics and the farmer gets no yield.

DUPONT is the world largest FERTILIZER manufacture. Now that we know this, could it be possible that most of the nutrients we use for growing cannabis was made from DUPONT? What about GENERAL HYDROPONICS, they ahve been around for what 20 30 years? Where do they derive their chemicals to make there ferts? I would conspire to say , DUPONT. Needless to say there are other companies out there that are "AWARE" of this monopoly. Which brings me to my next point.

If you are a medical cannabis grower, have you thought about where your fertilizers come from? Ever thought they may come from DUPONT ultimately? THE DESTROYERS OF THE CANNABIS PLANT and our FREEDOMS to posses the plant! I have pondered this to the point where I need more input and knowledge on how companies derive their chemicals. I have emailed BIG MIKE of ADVANCED NUTRIENTS to ask him about this theory, I will let you know if he replies. Congratulations to AN for being a sponor of 420 mag.

If you are a fan of AN , I would like to inform you of an event that transpired recenlty with BIG MIKE and AN and the INDOOR GARDENING EXPO in SAN FRAN.. He sent me an email with a link , please forgive me if this isn't allowed, its from BIG MIKE OF AN though. It's called an ARIAL PROTEST to the INDOOR GARDENING EXPO in SAN FRAN.

Would you believe that they wouldn't let AN and BIG MIKE exhibit there!!! WOW. So he did 2 things: 1 threw an appreciation party for all the hydro stores owners and vendors, and it went really great! Second Flew a giant bud banner half the length of football field and got
the media involved.

"P.S. Because they wouldn't let me in. I had an
insider sneak in our cameraman, and he got to do
a quick run through before the show opened.

Also USA Today picked up the banner story so I
included that as well as a link under the video.

Check out under the USA Today link and you can see one
of the t-shirt designs that were handed out at the party."

DO you understand why he is doing this? Because noone at the indoor expo was admitting to selling nutrients that the CANNABIS GROWERS buy. ALOT OF! They of all people make more money from cannabis growers than anyone, but dare you say "cannabis or marijuana" in a grow store or you will be thrown out and the nutrients company wont sell to the grow store anymore. The point is the NUTRIENTS COMPANIES never admit that their biggest customers are the cannabis farmers , and not once have they ever thanked them! THEY HIDE THE FACT! WTF? So would they have ties to DUPONT TOO? I think so.

BTW i wont use anything else but AN now if that's the only reason, then it's a good one.



Well said! Nice pic too!!
I've always been a fan of the little guy, a company or person who bucks the norm. Stands up and tells big corporate America to kiss their ass. Thanks tintala and Big Mike!

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Wow, very interesting! Excellent research. I've worked in a hydro shop an what you say is exactly true, without going into detail, the monopoly is hypicritical to say the least. I have switched to AN nut's and doubled my crop yield with half the plants normally grown. I commend Big Mike!
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