Could anyone help me please

I am a first time grower in Cambodia with 2 seasons rainy (Mar-Oc 33-40o)
sunny season (Oct 26-33o)

I have 2 baby plants right now and another 3 are coming up.

1 supper cheese feminied 9 days old

1 AK Vision 14 days old

I put on top of them 1 CFL 40 watt, U shape light now.

I couldn't find the Fox Farm Nutrient here, so I went to the shop and got those (attached pics)

2 days ago I mixed around 4ml of green bottle and 4m of white bottle nutrient with 3,5 litre of water, then added the PH controlled.

I watered the baby plants and I think they have some problems now as you can see the top leaves got some dark green color & a bit yellow I guessed, the AK leaves curling up a bit.

I added a small fan outside of the WC for air flow a bit.

I will buy 1 bottle of organic micro ferti + 1 blackstrap mollassed tomorrow.

But could anyone tell me if my babies really have some problem right now. Can I still using those ferti or need to throw away?

If yes and how do I mix and feed the plants.

Thank you so much



Plants look good, stay away from the white bottle until you are ready to flower the plants. Start the green bottle at 1/4 strength and try not to over feed or over water them. Would say every third watering feed with a 1/4 strength and build it up slowly to see how the plants handle it. Google super soil and try and make your own then all you have to do is water them the soil does all the rest. Best of luck OG.
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I like what OG said. I might even hold off on nutrients on those little ones until they get a couple more sets of leaves starting, the bigger ones start off at 1/4 strength of what the bottle recommends. So if it says 4mL per gallon, use 1mL per gallon. Might want to get a second cfl soon also :)
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Thank you so much Dude!

But here they are selling this kind of Blackstrap Mollasses with ingredients like:

Water, sacharoze, glucoze, fructose, deoxidize or liquidate?, mineral, N, acid without N,wax, sterol, photpholipit.

So I dun know if it's unsulphered? Pls advise!


CA215;bt6898 said:
& also remember to get UNSULPHERED blackstrap molasses :thumb:
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sorry and when to start using the Blackstrap Mollasses? Its says 1 teaspoon for 5 cup of water once per week.

Can I start to use for those babies already?

By the way, it says here in my country, that kind of blackstrap mollassed are using for feeding the cattle & sodium gultamate etc not say anything relating planning as people might not know how to use it for the plants so I dun know if it's the right one or not?

And when should I water the plants? 3 days/time?

Thnaks again

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Thank you so much Dude!

I have read here the feeding schedule for the canabis tree like feed them on the 14th, 21rd days old etc.

like on the 14th day old mix 1tsp of Micro Fer + 1 tsp Fer for Vegie State + 1 tsp of fer for Foral state together into the water and water the plan..

Thats why I mixed them up together..

Now you advised me to stay away from the white bottle which is for foral state..

I am a bit confused with the 420 magazine feeding schedule right now :high-five: :lot-o-toke:


OG1969;bt6896 said:
Plants look good, stay away from the white bottle until you are ready to flower the plants. Start the green bottle at 1/4 strength and try not to over feed or over water them. Would say every third watering feed with a 1/4 strength and build it up slowly to see how the plants handle it. Google super soil and try and make your own then all you have to do is water them the soil does all the rest. Best of luck OG.
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to add more how should I water my plant correctly? 3 days per time?

I am planning to get all the Soil from Shop. They have the Multi Mixed Soil said very good for tomato, bean ect. is it good enugh? Should I add some more Organic Fertilizer into it?

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KAKA83;bt6907 said:
to add more how should I water my plant correctly? 3 days per time?

I am planning to get all the Soil from Shop. They have the Multi Mixed Soil said very good for tomato, bean ect. is it good enugh? Should I add some more Organic Fertilizer into it?

The green fertilizer said 1 full bottle cover (20ml) for 5l of water so I used 3l this time with 5ml only. But I am quite confused as the plant just consume a bit of that 3l each time so will it be enough of Nutes for the plant? So do I need to use all of the 3l continuously or put it a side and 3 times plain water 1 time water with the fertilizer left?

I've just watered both plants with fertizer 2-3 days ago. So is it ok to water the big plant again with water + 1/4 strength as your advise now or wait for the next 3rd water time? Just both of them plain water now only?

Sorry, it's my first time so I have so many queries and a bit worry that can make mistake..

Thank you for your time Dude :love:

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The white bottle would be for when they go into flower. and 420 mag doesn't have a feeding schedule that is up to the individual grower. Watering them, water once the soil is almost dry you don't want the soil to be too wet, can cause problems with gnats and rot the roots. If the soil they are in is any good it should feed your plants 3-4 weeks then start working the 1/4 strength nutrients in. Drop by the thread how to grow marijuana. Peace OG
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Many thanks again. One last question pls.

The green fertilizer says mix 4 cups with 8l of water, then I took 3l with 1/5 cup recently.

But as you say just feed the nutrient after third water each time, but with the liquid mixed above, the plant can only take around 200ml, then what should I do with the 2,8l of mixed water left then? Throw it away or keep watering each time till finish?

Have a nice day due!:thumb:

OG1969;bt6915 said:
The white bottle would be for when they go into flower. and 420 mag doesn't have a feeding schedule that is up to the individual grower. Watering them, water once the soil is almost dry you don't want the soil to be too wet, can cause problems with gnats and rot the roots. If the soil they are in is any good it should feed your plants 3-4 weeks then start working the 1/4 strength nutrients in. Drop by the thread how to grow marijuana. Peace OG
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