First Grow: 4bucket Hydro with Barney's Lucy + 3 random seeds in soil

Hello all, I thought I would start this journal for multiple reasons. I want to not only log my own experience for future reference, but to also gain feedback from those who have more experience in growing and give insight to those who are also new in the movement.
I have wanted to start a grow for several years now as I have been an avid consumer and it has always intrigued me but time and money weigh heavy on all of our lives. About a month ago, as with most starting growers, I discovered 5 seeds in a jar I had picked up and the momentum has not stopped since. Originally my plan was to simply buy some lights and do a straight up soil grow in my closet which is 2.25'x4' and count myself lucky for whatever sprouted and further more whatever was female. I got the first grow room set up in my closet in about a week thanks to Home Depot and a local Hydro store. I used:
2x Fluorowing 125W T5 lights with 3' of chain to raise and lower
1x Large roll of Aluminum foil
4x 6" pots
Happy Frog Soil

Grow Room


I planted my first seed May 10th and had my first sprout May 12th. I wanted to use my first sprout as a tester, but using one unsexed seed to judge my green thumb did not seem adequate. I planted the remaining 4 seeds on May 15th of which 2 sprouted. I say 5 seeds total though one was white and unlikely to grow, I saw no harm in putting it in soil anyway.

Sprout #1


Sprout #2


Sprout #3


But I caught the fever as soon as the first room in my closet was built and began doing some online shopping for a more serious set-up. As with most things in life, you get what you put into it. I purchased:
1x GenCom 48"x48"x78" Grow Tent
1x 400W light w/T5&Metal Halide
1x iPower Digital Ballast
1x 4 bucket Hydroponic system
1x BC nutrient solution starter kit
5x Barneys Farm L.S.D. seeds
3x Auto Trans Siberian seeds
1x thermometer/humidity reader

Today, May 27th, 2013, I am waiting on the seeds to arrive but they are expected to be at my door tomorrow. I have both rooms ready at this point, the closet contains the three plants already above ground and I expect these plants to remain soil bound. I ran into a nute burn problem with Plant #1 early which caused some of the first leaves to bend and warp, but I have gotten it under control and the newer foliage is looking much much healthier. Plant #2 is growing far slower than #1 but it is also looking healthier than #1 did at that stage. Plant #3 had a problem when it first popped above ground, one cotyledon became stuck over the top of the shaft and I did not know how to fix it at first. I used a water dropper to (what I hoped) soften the cotyledon enough to remove it and allow proper growth, but the cotyledon tore slightly still (not a problem). Plant #3 has been growing far differently than either of the others; slower, stockier leaves, taller initial stem growth, and it appears almost as if its' 3rd set of leaves are stuck to the 2nd set. Possibly a different pheno? I will let it grow out and let it make up its' mind.
I ran a 24 hour light cycle to get them to their first 4 leaves, then I transitioned to a 18/6 cycle and the plants seem to be much happier.

Plant #1



Plant #2



Plant #3



I will be planting 4xL.S.D. seeds in Root Riot seed/clone starter cubes as soon as they arrive and I expect to have sprouts by Thursday, May 30th.

Now for my questions I have for you more expert growers!
1) When do I place the L.S.D. seedlings into the hydro system? (I have heard after the first 4 leaves...)
2) I have seen many hydro users use quarter or half nute doses in the beginning, any preferences amongst you?
3) Has anyone grown, smoked, or known anyone who has done Barneys L.S.D. before? If so what experiences did you/they have?
4) Yield has been a curiosity of mine as well, I know Barneys claims that L.S.D. produces 600g/m sq but real world results speak more in my opinion.

I will try and add some photos of the current set ups and plants as soon as possible! Thanks for the feedback, I will try and post as often as possible!



I am very interested in this grow journal, You really should repost this grow into the proper grow journal section. It will get a lot of views and a lot of experienced people will be very willing to help.

theres a "How-To guides" section under gallery on the bar at the top of the page, if you have figured out how to properly upload pictures then you are really already halfway there.
It will explain how to make a grow journal there.

I like how for you, this all started with a few seeds and turned into something much more.

Pretty much it was the same for me and i want to help you grow them as best as possible, the first time i bought seeds i did alot of things that decreased the yield.

over watering, not big enough pots for root growth, over trimming of fan leaves which will not allow buds to develop to full potential, picking buds premature.

The best way to really go about it and what i should of probably done the first few times was just relax take my time with it, and just reading everything really knowing how to use the forums. willing to read and really take the time to learn new things.

You bought the seeds and supplies so im going to guess so,
With a 400w light i would not use the foil, the crinkled foil will oddly reflect the light and burn leaves everywhere, this is fine with the CFL light you are using right now.
But i just wouldnt use it with a HPS or Halogen Bulb.

IF the LSD strain is an average yield of 600g/m's than this means that if you had a few plants in the space of 1 meter square on the floor and they were big and full enough plants to fill in that whole meter square than you would have an average yield of 600g.
IF the case was it took 4 of these plants to fill in your space than each plant would be 150g each totaling at 600g/m's (Depending on your space and how big your box allows you to vegetate you can grow you plants bigger to get a larger yield.) A common thing to mistake is that it will always take 4 plants to get a yield of 600g/m's when actually it depends on the size of the plants.
(how long you want to vegetate depending on the space you have available.)

I will be following your grow because i want to know about the LSD strain myself, i don't know if you have ever taken LSD but good marijuana can REALLY get the best of you.

NUTRIENTS- My preference on nutrients is not to give it any kind of dose in the begging (half/quarter)
but just put a fairly small amount in the water as to introduce it to the plant.
I dont start adding nutrients regularly until 20-25 days vegetation, then its fair game pretty much.
Molasses- Speeds up the metabolism of the plant giving it alot faster growth (good to use all stages of growth, can be used weekly with watering.) just give it some research before using thats what i did its really great stuff.

I just started my outdoor organic grow i have two White Widow plants in 5 gallon buckets and a Cali-Orange Bud in a 3.5 Gallon pot. Cannot wait to try this White Widow.
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