SHRuuM's 1st Grow Journal Of NL - TW & EM

SHRuuM;2824252 said:
So today the TW and EM seedlings started in Rapid Rooter were transferred to pots and the results of CKS is astounding for viability and growth. The only seedling that hasn't shown any signs of life is the NL that had a black tail, in germination, and was put in a Rapid Rooter plug hoping for the best, but alas, I believe the fault is with me since I forgot to add 1/4 tsp of bleach per gallon to my starter seedling formula. But hope springs eternal and if nothing happens by 3/13/16, this coming Sunday, I will call it quits on her.

So now the feeding formula has been changed to 1 tsp of Dyna-Gro, 9-3-6, and 2ml of Goldentree to 1 gallon of water with a corrected ph of 6.5. This was started today and all pots were soaked with said solution, so the next watering will be in 4 or 5 days depending on how fast the soils dry out.

One week and 1 day after receiving CKS the room looks like this, which I find very pleasing.

The 5 seedlings on the right are the only ones from CKS and are what this journal is about. Starting on the back row from right to left is NL, EM, and TW which were planted in soil after germination. In the front from right to left is, EM, and TW, which were started after germination, in Rapid Rooter plugs. The other 3 plants are feminized seeds from an unknown sativa strain that I have been experimenting with for the last year. These were started on the 1st of Feb and have a month head start on CKS but I suspect the CKS seeds should over take them in about 6 weeks.


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