Using Kratom: neikodog's brief outline

neikodog;3545827 said:
For those interested in how to use Kratom, I'll tell you how we do it.

First off it is a tree leaf that is crushed into a powder that can be mixed with a liquid or even smoked. From my research smoking destroys the alkaloids which is something you don't want to do.

The leaf is very bitter so we mix it with orange juice. After a while it becomes an acquired taste and I actually like the taste in OJ.

Dosing is something you'll have to figure out for yourself. It is another non-toxic plant but if you take too much you may vomit. It happen to my wife at about 11 grams. Everyone is different though. I would suggest starting at 4 grams and wait about 30 minutes before taking anymore.

Some people can become dependent on it but it is about like being dependent on coffee. My research suggests staying under 15 grams a day to avoid dependency. If you are battling severe withdrawal symptoms you may need more than 15 grams a day.

The effects last about 4-6 hours for my wife, strain depending.

There are 3 main strains and they are determined by the color of the vein in the leaf.

- White vein is energizing, mood elevating and increases focus but has the least pain relief properties. It helps with the depression that comes with chronic pain.

- Red strains are more like opioids. They have the greatest pain relief but can make you tired.

- Green strains are a mix of effects between white and red.

You can mix strains for custom effects. My wife takes the white in the morning and red at night, we haven't mixed the 2 yet because we have found this works for her. I tend to only use the white strains.

You really do love life on the whites. I don't care how taxing work can become, a little white and I'm ready to tackle anything with a good attitude about it. I was at the point I was ready to find another job. Kratom made me see it wasn't the job, it was my attitude towards working so much. Now I don't mind at all. Sorry I'm rambling now. Just do your research and make your own decision. There are plenty of Kratom reviews on Youtube.


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