Help me -My clones are dying before they root - I need a cloning video?

I use a clone dome with a heat mat .It holds 50 rockwool pucks. We have been using alcoho to sterilize tools and vita reow rooting liquid, then water in with b1. I am lucky to get 6 clones to live out of 30 they yellow and mold a waay. HELP. ME any ideas or videos would be appreciated


well... I would start by simply by changing cloning gels, and (this is important!!).. make you final cut under water so they don't embalize. then right into cloning gel for 15 seconds. then into your plugs...DarkNess for a minimum of 48 hrs. ALL THINGS STERILE. ...and RELAX!! maybe divide into two domes.:lot-o-toke:
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I would empty out the res + lid/dome & run a 10% Bleach to H2o soultion for 20 min.
run a rinse water for 10 min . & then put a Hydrogen Peroxide bottle in the water & run it for 10 15 min.
put all tools in a bucket & splash the 10% bleach to water over them.

Run ur pump not quite continously.
temps in Res & room in low 70's.
PH water to 5.5
use R.O. water & balanced nutes at 100-200 ppm.
keep new clones in darkness 48 hours, then low lights on 24/7. I use a 25 watt T5 2 bulb. had tried a 4 bulb 4" T5... too much light!
12-14 days will be seeing roots!
clone gel shold be fine, any gel & even nothing at all works.

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I take cuts from different places of the plant. I take them from the top, the middle and the bottom. Then I keep top cuts separate from the middle and bottom. Then find out which ones root the best and keep those. Next time you will take the clones from the right place. Also the advice of doing a second cut under water to prevent air embolism helps and then put in cloning gel. I follow Jorge Cervantes tips and try and error. One thing I notice is to keep the air vents open in the dome and I use one 18 inch T5 light for 24/7. I make sure not to let the rockwool cube be too wet or too dry. In the tray I keep a layer of perlite so that the rockwool is sitting on top and any water will be absorb by the perlite. Its important to not have excess water I found out. Algae will appear on the perlite so I just mix it around and don't worry about it, I'm not sure what to do about the algae. Also fungus gnats hangout and annoy me. I used either a 2 inch or 1.5 inch rockwool cube. And after they root I use coco coir to cover the roots and transplant into a 1 quart pot for a few weeks.
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Hi HighasHell!
I have a FIX for the Fungus Knats !! :)
get some Dichotomous Earth, sprinkle all around the area, work into the sufrace an inch or so.
NOTE: Do NOT breath in .
it slowly kills off the root feeding larvea. as they crawl thru it , it cuts them up.any dirt in the area needs it too. it has not bothered anything in my aeroponic rail system,
the issue will fade away in just a week os so.
As to the algae issue, I cut some spaced holes in black plastic to keep the lights off the medium. less light , less algae .
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