Attention All Growers!

I need to get somthing off my chest!

We have these web sites full of information on everything from aquiring seed to getting involved with an organization such as NORMAL to which you can donate to and become a member. Joining an organization, has been, is and always will be a great way for everyone to come together and collectively make a difference.

How would YOU like to personally make a HUGE difference? Put your money back in your pocket because you wont need it!

First of all, before we get into this, I want to know why it cost ten bucks a seed. People. Lets face it. Not everyone has the desire, ability and means to grow there own. How many smokers you know grow their own tobacco? Now think about how addictive cigaretts are. Most smokers if out of cigaretts and only had five bucks will choose a pack of smokes over a bong hit. I don't think we need to worry about everyone growing and no one buying.

So the first part of this proposal for everyone willing to partisapate is for everyone to sacrifice one female plant per grow for seed. How hard is that?

Now take all that extra seed and give it away!:thedoubletake: LOL. Come on now we have to stay focsed! I know it seems radical but it really isn't. Give it away to anyone willing to grow. We need as many growers as possible.. Keep reading this is gonna get good.

The government has made it clear that they are not happy with us. This upsets me. We should do something nice for them. I propose we all make a donation. Now many of us don't have much money so if we were Bakers we would send them cake. But we are not sooooo. They should be at least six inches tall. Each plant must, I repeat must be Tagged. Write LEGALIZE IT! on the tag.

Go to your local, or not so local City Hall, Court House, Police Dept., Library, any government property and donate a few plants. Plant them right in the flower garden.

Matthew ch.6 vs. 1-4

Dont Get Caught! Watch for video cameras and Guards. Steak the place out first. Plan every move. And never donate to private property!

One of three things will happen.
1. Some dipshit gardener will transplant it to his back yard and not say anything.
2. They will get pulled and it will be kept quiet in hopes of trying to catch you doing it again.
3. Reporters catch wind of it and its all over the news.
I think number three would be the goal hear.

The purpose of this action is to demonstrate that we want the laws changed and we are not going away.

I would like to have comments on this action and commitments from growers to do this.

1. Give your seeds away.
2. Donate some of your plants.

A very simple cheep and affective way to make a very real difference.



There are many who give seeds away. I'm too old and wise to chance getting caught planting at a local government property. I get caught, then who would grow my medication for me?
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Herb Fellow and StonerGrower. Thank you for takeing the time to read and post. I understand your concern about going to jail. Of course the Idea would be not to get caught and you really dont have to donate to the exact places that I mentioned befor. Any public government property will work. As long as it is government property and the tags are on the plants. It will work. I know it will.
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Ok. All its going to take is for a few people to plant some plants and this could work! I have one I can do that with right now! Is like a post office a good place? And I should plant more seeds around there so they will grow!!!hahaha This is a good idea. Everyone plant weed everywhere! It is a weed you know, so it should grow like one…:yummy:


P.S. evey seed you get, just put it in the ground! There will be weed everywhere:rollit:
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dang i got a couple of duds i could 'transplant' for a cause as worthy as legalization of the cannabis. Plus if everyone got someone else and went gardening we would have a ton of weed on public property everywhere so it would be like a bonus a couple months later. We should maybe not do it at
schools though.
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James007 and nbk380. Thank You for your suport. Get your friends involved and be careful. Peace.
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