Making Cannabis Oil with the Magical Butter Machine

Since I was home alone for Thanksgiving, I decided to do a different kind of cooking using the Magical Butter Machine that SweetSue sent to me. I also used some coconut oil, liquid sunflower lecithin, baking/turkey bag, cookie sheet, rubber spatula, measuring cup, digital scale, 3ml pipettes, 00 gelatin capsules, and a 00 capsule tray.


I started with 8.8 grams of cured AK47 bud. I chose that amount because it was how much was left in the first jar I picked up.


I added 29.7 grams of fresh trim that was put in the freezer a few months back immediately after cutting. If we estimate that it will weigh 20% of the original weigh when dry, then it should be about 5.94 grams of trim for a total of 14.74 grams of cannabis.


The cannabis went into an oven bag and was placed on the cookie sheet in the oven to decarb at 235 degrees for 110 minutes. After it was finished, the bag was put into the freezer for a while to cool and preserve the terpenes.




The coconut oil was left on top of the oven to warm up during decarb. Then 500ml was measured out, which is just a bit more than 2 cups.



The next step was to fill the Magical Butter Machine with the oil, herb, and 2 tsp of liquid sunflower lecithin. Notice that there are min and max lines in the MBM. The min line is 2 cups.



The lid was installed and it was set for 2 hours at 160 degrees.


After it finished the top was removed and the sides were scraped. We don't want to leave any of the good stuff behind.


The oil was poured into a bowl through the strainer that was included with the MBM. The plant material was put into a ziplock bag for use at a later time.


The oil and plant material were put into the fridge for a few hours. The coconut oil turned back solid after cooling in the fridge.



The solid oil was then heated in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time until it was liquid again and then stirred.
Then it was time to start filling capsules.



As each tray of capsules was filled, the caps were put on and snapped closed.


Then the tray was lifted so the finished capsules would fall out.


The result was 609 capsules ready to be put in the fridge for storage.


Of course I licked up any drips, licked the spatula, and took two pills that evening. I slept hard that night, although I remember having dreams and thoughts during the night. On Friday I only had one pill in the morning and one in the evening and still didn't have much energy. Saturday was a one pill day and it still seemed like too much. I would still get lightheaded and the floating feeling at random points during the day. Sleep has been easy while taking the pills, but getting up in the morning has been hard. I'll give it a couple days without then try maybe half a pill a day to see what happens. I weigh 146 pounds and don't have a high tolerance to cannabis, so the dose could have been stronger than needed.


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