Outdoor Growing Etiquette

I have noticed that a lot of people are creating Marijuana Gardens in the woods or some area the individual does not own. I can't stress enough how much this is wrong. If it's not yours, do not change the land for selfish reasons. Digging holes, chopping down trees/bushes, and spreading chemicals will have effects on the environment. You can't simply just decide to destroy an ecosystem because you want to smoke some pot or make some $$. It's exactly this kind of thinking that got us where we are today. Please only start a garden on land you own and in a manner you can control. Most wooded areas today are sanctuaries, reserves, national forests, and etc. So you don't want to be made an example of the next time some a**hole wants to win an election. Please do not make Marijuana "evil" to the rest of the public by making foolish choices.:hmmmm:


Unfortunately there are gonzo growers, but most of the problems in this area are caused by Mexican illegals that are growing in our national forest. this costs the tax paying citizen a lot of money when whole truck loads of bad boys in camo with BIG guns go into the woods to chop this stuff down. Last year just one bust yeilded 40,000 plants growing in the woods, with a lot of garbage from "blue water" fertilizers. Did they catch anyone? They rarely do. And when they do for some "strange" reason they can't seem to make the charges stick.
So not only do these people get away, but the constant flying of the Marijuana eradication heliocopter has caused some co-ops to get busted even on their own land!
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I agree, start your own gig if you really want to grow it. First of all, I wouldn't trust anyone to not destroy or pick whatever I grew. I recently planted some seeds from a bag I'd bought, and they're growing like monsters. I looked up some info on line, about the whole eggshell thing mostly, and I found a giant library and numerous websites about growing. I know it's a science and people want the potent "killa" stuff, but my philosophy on the whole herb thing is this: It's a natural plant, that's why it should be legal. Nature doesn't provide heat lamps, pH testers, ect. So I'm going to approach my growing the same way. I may not get the Amsterdam stuff, but I don't have to buy it either. I just have to step out my slider to my porch. Don't get me wrong, I fully appreciate those that DO go all out and pass along the fruits of their passion. I even pay top dollar, but just as far as growing, I'm not slangin and trying to make a living. I'm just trying to see what nature gives me.
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Growing outdoors is the best way to go, but if you want more than one harvest or even privacy you need to do your best to mimic mother nature indoors. I myself am on my first grow indoors and I am running into all kinds of issues because I'm doing the bare minimum. All efforts have their rewards though... what I lose in quality I will gain in knowledge for when I grow the good stuff. I will not pay $130 for 1/4 ounce. It's just too ridiculous!
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I hear you. I can't wait for my son's friend's parents to come over and check out my backyard. lol I guess I'm just that guy that doesn't care. They're not cops or anything, so I'm not worried. Hell, even if it was a cop, I probably wouldn't do or say anything about it. The few cops I've met off duty in my life time could really care less about responsible people having a good time in their own home. (I even smoked a couple of them out) But I hear you on the paying too much issue also. I know a girl that slangs out of her business, which (ironcially) happens to be a liquor store and she BARELY makes any profit. She basically makes enough to pay for her own habit. Such a BIG risk for minimal payout..... I don't get it. The growing inside makes me nervous because of excessive electricity use and heat... all that kind of stuff. I'm not overly paranoid about the po-po, but it would be my luck that the DEA is coming back from a surveillance conference and some jackhole accidentally knocks a switch on over my house, Reno-911 style, and singles me out. This is Arizona for God sakes! I think they still lynch people for having a joint. LOL Good growing, my friend.
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I look at it this way... If someone is growing a personal stash they are doing the tax payer a favor by not funding the opposition in the war on drugs. Lets face it... Every tax dollar payed for the war on drugs, the average person spends three dollars getting drugs. Wars are won with money... Secondary to that is bravery and intelligence. I don't know... I guess I'm just tired of paying someone to arrest, try, and convict me for something I don't agree with.
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Look! As long as there is a drug war, especially against marijuana, people are going to grow on land that is not their's. You can only hope that they are responsible. But blaming certain nationalities is worse than the negative environmental impacts of irresponsible growers. This is exactly what the cops wants. This is a tactic straight out of the 1930's. Pitting grower against grower. The liar Walters tried pulling this on the CNBC feature. It's PROPAGANDA. Environment concerns is another argument for legalization.
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I don't think you understand. QUOTE: "but when an illegal rapes a nations land it tends." I am sure there are no white americans using diesal generators or leaving garbage or pesticides behind right. Walters is lying to you. He wants you to believe there's a problem. This is not an illegal immigrant problem. Here's how it plays out. An american (white, black, brown, who cares but an american citizen) wants to grow but it's illegal. Well, not going to grow on my property. The gov't will seize your property. So, they grow on state and federal property. Since there is still a risk of getting caught with the garden, you find and hire illegal workers. If they get caught, they go back to mexico and there are no ties to you. Wake up if you think this is an illegal immigrant specific issue.
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but there is a problem and I live inthe middle of it. No one ever gets caught doing damage. It is a shame and a blight on legal growers. and the war goes on with stupid TV ads. I don't think it fair that legal growers on their own land are harassed, and these "entities" with a lot of power and money always seem to get away. The poor people in the fields are left to run for their lives. Many of them I truly believe are here illegally, are are treated as expendible by their own people.
If you think that is propaganda you could be right, I just know what I see. And it aint pretty. I was at a craft fair, at an elementary school and the guerilla drug force used the parking lot as a jump off point. They were heavily armed and in camo, and had no respect for anything that was going on except their "mission". I guess they didn't feel the need to get permission or see if anything else was happening there that day. Or maybe they did and just liked the idea that local crafters/hippie self sufficient types would be intimidated by their presence.
The truth is what will set us free. But our DEA is more concerned with the fear factor I guess.
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Amen brother,
my main point was that the DEA/Walters lie and we should not believe anything that they say. As for us, we need to continue to fight 1. for law-abiding medicinal marijauna related industry and keep the DEA out of California's business. 2. to pass legistation for industry hemp. 3. to change laws for adult comsumption. With all of that, we need to continue to discuss and continue to educate. Educate those who do not know the difference between hemp and weed. Educate those who do not realize that they can effect the environment by growing marijuana.
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If i want to go into a or national forest as grow a few bushes, then i'll do it. And don't tell me that a few two foot by two foot holes is gonna damage anything. I don't care what you use for fertilizer. Some rest areas provide nice grow spots !! If they did'nt take your property for growing on it, then we would'nt have this problem. Problem is; people leave their trash behind, not only MJ growers, but fishermen and campers. I just don't believe the little bit of nukes that we use is gonna do diddly damage to the enviroment. It's a damm weed, give me a break !! I watched the special also, and i think that the dea knows that they can't control a damm weed, and that was a last ditch effort on their part to scare the public, before we put MJ legalization on a national level !! I hope so anyhow !!
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If you grow 2, and he grows 2, and I grow 2, and she grows 2 it's not 2 anymore. That's the problem. You have to think of the masses footprint, not just your own. It's not Johnny Law's fault people grow in the woods. It was the growers choice all along. That person is just selfish enough where they want everyone to pay for their mistakes instead of just themselves. The problem with making mistakes is you can't always see them right away. I think if you own property and your caught growing off your property you should be held more responsible. Your breaking more laws. As for it being a weed your right, but it's a weed from another country... so in that respect it doesn't belong here at all. The bottom line is it's not the weed, it's not the law, it's not the environment, it's us and the choices we make. So let's all make better choices.
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Quote: "I think if you own property and your caught growing off your property you should be held more responsible."

The forfeiture laws in this country are very harsh for growing for distribution. We need to change the laws. In the mean time we need to educate growers to be responsible no matter where they plant a seed.
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I don't have property anymore, but when i did, i could'nt grow there anyhow, without fear of having such property taken. (By as you call them, Johnny law.) I know people that own 100s of acres, but they can't grow there. Do you think i enjoy hiking 2 miles with bag 80 lb. bag of soil on my back. And no matter what i do, i clean up after myself. If i drink in my boat, i bring the cans back to the dock, unlike some buttheads. So i respectably disagree with you, it is johnnie laws fault, that i grow on state land. It is not my choice to grow on state & public land. If i had my choice, i'd put a few plants in my garden, just enough for my wife and i for the year, but i'm only wishing & dreaming !! Ha !! I just wish that they'd ban them damm all terrain vehicles, as that's what is damaging the enviroment. I once walked further than i thought anyone else would go, looking for my spot, but now i can't escape them. I don't think pot growers are the people responsible for littering in the woods, because they'd only be cutting their own throats !! I can hardly wait for memorial day, that's when i go put in my garden, when all you people are at the parades and partying. Hardly anyone in the wilderness on memorial day, and in New England, that's our last frost date. We can only grow for 3.5 months, but that's plenty of time. And futhermore, i don't care where it came from, it's still a weed. Just a damm weed. I don't know why Johnnie law gets so upset over a damm weed. It's ok to go get a phony dr. to write a script for high power drugs, but don't grow that killer weed. And i agree with you as to we all need to be good stewarts for the mother earth. You have a good day sir !!
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I don't understand why your jumping all over me. I'm not the one doing the wrong thing... you are. I am not judging anyone on the decisions they make, but you can't blame your actions on someone else.

It's a damn shame... can you imagine what a wonderful world it would be if we all just did the right thing. I don't mean obeying the law... I mean obeying the GOLDEN RULE.
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Guys, it is OK to disagree or argue in this arena but when we go out of here, we need to be together. I will defend your right to grow and use marijuana until the day I die. I will always question the information the gov't puts out on ganja and will suspect the intentions of law enforcement. There has been so many lies that we start to loose our focus on what we want changed. It's not just about legalizing marijuana. It's about freedom of choice and the hypocritical message that society sends. Let's continue this debate while we work together against the bigger struggle.
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It has nothing to do with me or what I believe. The golden rule is... Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. Right and wrong is not the same thing as legal and illegal.

I don't know what the big deal is with me saying respect the rights of the things that do not belong to you. There is nothing to argue with. All that has been done is turned something that was supposed to be informative into a debate.
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