Pat Puffer's Super Soil Recipe

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This blog will be about my personal super soil recipe and the reason behind why I choose to use what I use. At heart I am a lazy grower. My attention span is almost non-existent, but my passion for learning about growing exceeds any applicable traits I have that pertain to growing. That in itself is a perfect recipe to want to use super soil.

A good super soil recipe will not be too hot to plant in, and will carry our plants from start to finish. That doesn't seem like a tall order, but when one considers the different inputs we could use, it all can be a little over whelming.

This blog is going to be my attempt to explain my choices I use, and also present other viable options at our disposal for achieving a hands off organic grow through amendments.

I will be remedial in my overall approach to keep this information approachable for any who are considering attempting a grow such as this.

I know when I contemplated trying to achieve a well rounded soil I dug through the internet for days comparing recipes and researching particular inputs to discover the "why" they are used. Hopefully this blog will be an aide to any who stumble upon these posts.

This blog will be kept closed to comments from the public to keep it cleaner and more concise to find the necessary information regarding my super soil recipe. If you wish to ask any questions regarding anything feel free to write me on any of my threads that you can find.
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