20191030_212126 (2).jpg

20191030_212126 (2).jpg

Liquid Imagination - I have clones of this one! Woot
good god, man! "DOWN, GURL! DOWN! BAAAAD GIRRRL!". ;d
well done, sir! well done.
literally... you'd have heard a pffft... seen some spit fly... some lmaos... funny... funny guy! my gurl is lookin at me, strange. nope... fly's up. humph.
i don't believe I've veg'd anything long enough, to get more than a qp from one. by then... it's only 2, in a tank for 6. that's awesome!
then, today... i looked at the what is it? 22L? 40L cvault. i forget...
hey, if u have to have a problem, it's a great one, to have, but as soon as i hang, nxt wk- I'll b "overweight". have to oil out 100grams, of a hodge podge of strains, to have minimal product, when i snip these. blessing and a curse. i figure if it keeps me up- chamomile. knocks me out- b12. loopty loop... "Houston, we have a problem" so- fingers crossed. I'm hopin the destress and DEpain... ;D mix n2 one.
plus! the stuff in the can, only has 3wks, in the can! argh!
got me snotting, again. I'm not one of those pigs, who snorts, when they laugh- u just can't me in the middle of a cig, each time i read ur funnies; doesn't count.
it's not even, when ur bein humorous it's just the same hurdles i trip over- always gets me.

yeah... i had a Skywalker something, auto, that grew in the shadows of big gurlz... it's not like they clone well! there is no other teepee! so i let it go... it didn't even register on the scale! less than 1gr & i still took the trouble: trim, dry, separate cure jar, own boveda... yeah, i was smoked and HAD to keep it cause i messed up the rest, in the prop tray, AGAIN!, with another hemisphere/nother climate preference than the majority and naturally: majority ruled!
i think- it went into tonight's earl prep, along with my entire collection of 2gr, from EVERY grow. i had too much flower, for my limit, with this next baby, nearly to come into the world. worst part- the noobs r 24:1 cbd and do zip, for me n the lovely g's pain. 1 rip- cures her migraines... a couple grams, will do her. the rest- oil does.

oh and if u know anyone with "trigger finger"- a topical, made from 3rd wash, trash- n nothin more- thc strains- unlocked her finger, reliably- helps that pain n swelling. i read this, nowhere; just got lucky.

tangent- my bad. very distracted, tonight. good friend, in the e.r., etc.

hey, thanks for comparin notes!

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