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  • Sup beetle juice thanks for the comments on my posts. I need some help. Jack and Sally are wilting. They have some droopage that I don't understand. I brought them in from outside and watered them. Did I water them too much, is it stress from bring moved? Let me know I can send pictures.
    Have they always been outside, or did you just start taking them out?
    Hey man could you check my post out that you’ve been commenting on and see if you can identify what I might have going on with my crop. Thanks bro much appreciated
    Put my plants in bigger pots today like you suggested with some really good soil!! Thanks bud. Hoping to get some buds going! Will keep you posted.
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    Right on! That and more light will give your girls what they need to fill out. They tend to stretch ALOT in flower, so you might have to contend with some height issues. How much room do you have left? Don't expect a huge yield, but whatever you get will give you the satisfaction of seeing the grow through and smoking your own weed! Also will make the next grow go SO much quicker and easier.
    I've got over 2 feet left to the ceiling. Seems like the stretch might be about over, tons of nodes and hairs on them. Put them in bigger pots today too! Some mighty rich Miracle Grow potting soil. Will keep you posted and post some pics in a couple/few weeks.
    Perf! Lots of people avoid Miracle Grow and other prefertilized soils around here because they want to feed their own nutrients and MG has it built in, but the consensus is it's a great place to start without having to mess with all the figuring and mixing.

    I kinda wish I went with a prefertilized, I'm getting annoyed with mixing nutes and how much to give how often...and eventually burning my babies! I definitely don't have my feet entirely under me when it comes to the right amounts of what nutrient when.

    Most important thing on all of this though is the lighting situation. You need the correct spectrum shining on your girls. Let me know if I can be of help on that also! Cheers mate, enjoy! :yahoo:
    Ian Anderson is a genius!
    Do you actually own a Pbass?
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    Hi @Cannamusic I don't play the flute but I certainly agree Ian Anderson is amazing! I do have a Precision Bass, it's a '95 or '96 Squire series, from what I can gather from the serial number the story on it is it's American stock assembled in the Encendada plant with probably cheaper hardware and electronics. It has a black Fender label with a little "Squire series" up at the top of the head stock. It plays like butter! :D
    Very cool!
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