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  • Hi.. I'm new to the group. Diagnosed in Nov/17 with oral and lung cancer. I had the mouth cancer removed,still in the nodes and lung, but do not want Chemo or Radiation, against the doctors suggestions. NO Thank you !!! I have decided to try the Rick Simpson Oil. I'm a 74 year old women and I am totally confused about the THC and CBD's. How do I know what is in the oil? My skull is going to crush from all the reading I've been doing and I'm more confused now then ever. I have been taking the RSO for 5 weeks now... getting from a friend of a friend. I started with the 1/2 grain of rice size and doubled every 4 days. I put it on a soda cracker with butter and eat it. I am finding I am very very very sleepy now, typical apparently, but I am having serious bowel problems ( sorry) nothing is working for me... would the oil be doing this to me? My RSO is soon going to be running out and I have wonderful friends that tell me they can make it , how do I know if it's the right strain. I'm afraid of doing this and taking the wrong stuff. The internet is so overwhelming with information and it's only made me more confused. Please help before I fall into my RSO hibernation so I can tell my dear friends what plant/strain or what ever it is they need to make me the right stuff. Thank you so much for any help you can give.
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