Recent content by katalyst33

  1. K

    How much do you smoke daily?

    I smoke about a bowl or 2 a day. Its keeps the docs away. lol.
  2. K

    Pipe cleaning

    My friends busted his nice bong cleaning it with hot water. We all shed a tear. R.I.P. Yellow Submarine. lol
  3. K

    Pipe cleaning

    Thanks for the info.
  4. K

    My new glass

    That's a bad mother......shut yo mouth
  5. K

    Pipe cleaning

    So, I didn't know where else to post this so I hope its in the right place. I have this one-hitter that is totally clogged and my glass pipe is starting to get that way too. How would I go about cleaning these? As much as I would like to go out and buy new ones, I don't have to money right...
  6. K

    Best day all year! (so far)

    Congrats! I know exactly how you guys feel. I was without work for 8 months. It was so depressing. I'll be sparkin one up for you homie.
  7. K

    Int'l 420 Union

    logos take a lot of time to come up with and every little thing about it would have some kind of meaning. The guy/gal who came up with it was totally a head, in my opinion.
  8. K

    Legalization and Profits

    I agree with Loch. I would not mind paying extra for some top notch bud. Now, don't you guys think that if cannibis was legalized, the ability to tax this crop will bring millions in tax money to the gov and maybe we could get out of this hard economic time? Imagine all the jobs that would be...
  9. K

    Toking in secret all the time. why?

    I get paranoid around people I don't know so I like to smoke alone. I have my close friends and wife that I smoke with (sweet deal, huh?) but I don't feel comfortable smoking with or around others. I am also on a college soccer team, so if it got out that I smoke pot, then I can kiss my...
  10. K

    I'm new.

    Hi everyone, just registered to this wonderful site. I've read some post and threads over the past weeks and I like this place. Hope to have to wonderful conversations with you guys. Peace
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