Recent content by MJaneMaven

  1. M


    I do love it here too. Everything is so very new, not at all "Boston New York Philly Baltimore DC". Glad to live where medical pot is available, and we have four dispensaries here in Lincoln City. My 82 year old husband and I moved here, I am a kid of 64. I went to Woodstock, by cracky! Anyway...
  2. M


    Thanks, ChadMan! I moved out here from Baltimore/DC three years ago. Big change! Happy to live on the ocean in Oregon.
  3. M


    Howdy! Naw, I'll let you do the growing! I have a plant for fun an indoor beauty, but leave the driving to others. Lincoln City has four dispensaries, thank God! And a city council that seems to be very onboard with how things might progress here, recreational wise. It will be very interesting!
  4. M


    Yes, it is a wonder. It is an evil act that scheduled marijuana as Schedule 1, but the times they are a changin', and we all need to look forward, work forward and be forward (that's alotta forwards!), not wallow in the past. I believe that the wall of prohibition is falling rapidly, and that...
  5. M


    Greetings! I am new to this site, and relatively new to medical cannabis, not new to cannabis! I went to Woodstock (no kidding!) and have smoked pot recreationally off & on since 1968, by cracky! I live in Oregon, so I am legal. My husband has a med card to help with his trigeminal neuralgia...
  6. M

    Trigeminal Neuralgia by Sherrie Toland

    Hi Sherrie! Hope by the tie you read this you will have contacted the brilliant surgical team in OHSU in Portland. The top Trigeminal Neuralgia surgeons in the USA. and get that trigeminal fixed! There are many surgical options, gamma knife is just one of the first to try. AND get your medical...
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