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  • having a crappy day, haven't had weed for a couple of weeks and my anxiety levels are off the charts. picked up a small carpentry job, hopefully getting out an working will clear my head.
    Many thanks to all. figured out how to upload pics and start a grow journal. I feel less inept now. Been out of weed for two weeks, I function much better when I'm high
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    Reactions: Krissi Carbone
    Krissi Carbone
    Krissi Carbone
    Welcome! Your Platinum looked meticulous. Sometimes it's the grow not the amount of harvest that means more. That looks like one of em. Nice job man...look forward to a journal or 10 from you!
    can't deal with this right now.. hope to post a new journal soon
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    Reactions: HappyHazmat88
    Hey not sure if you got my tag. But I created a post for you to help out with the journal navigation.
    Hey thanks , I've been dealing with a bit of brain-fog lately. but in time I should figure it out
    Switched phones and it seems to make it easier to navigate the site.... now to figure out how to make a new grow journal and add pics to these messages...
    Feeli g like a bit of a doofus, can't upload new avatar... suçks getting old, but beats the alternativ
    Been on hiatus, dealing with health issues. Started a new grow Feb 1st. Was a tough start but after 6 weeks things are looking pretty good.
    My 23 year old jeep flunked the MA. state inspection. so the job I had lined up for this week will have to be put on hold. instead I'll have to spend a couple of weeks doing repairs on the car. so no money to start another grow for awhile. one step forward two steps back make it very hard to get ahead.
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    Reactions: BakedARea
    Sorry to hear that man. Good luck on the repairs. Unfortunately, sometimes all the environmental regulations on the citizens can be difficult to get through. They don't consider the damage it is doing to you by not being able to do work. Seems like an extension or some sort of compassion would go a long way in helping people out.
    Thanks, if I were 10 years younger the repairs would be a day's work. but now just getting it jacked up and disassemble is a days work.
    I would like to say I was optimistic about the Fed's decriminalizing cannabis... but I know better, the Republicans will kill the bill. if you live in a red state please call your senator and advocate for decriminalization . and you dems in NH. call democratic senator and tell her you want to "live free " like it says on your license plate . kinda odd that a state that claims to embrace freedom is the only state in New England that doesn't allow adult recreational use
    My current grow is coming to an end and I should be starting seeds. for the first time I have seeds that are not "bag-seed" . I have started hundreds of seed in the past without any trepidation. in the past if seeds failed to pop I could just start more. but with these 2 seeds it's do,

    or go back to crap seeds. I'm really stressing.
    Spotted some Male flowers on one of the bigger girls this morning. wouldn't be so bad if they were hanging down and I could get some female pollen, but they are in the middle of the bud. now I have to either cut em down before seeds start to grow... or let em go until all the seeds fully form.
    On the brighter side... I have 1 GG#4 seed 1 platinum gorilla seed and 1 seed from some medical cannabis called "the one" . always thinking of the next grow
    The heat has done a lot of damage. 14 weeks down the drain , if i baby them hopefully they can limp to the finish line.
    How hot did it get??
    Temps were 100 outside the last 2 days of the heatwave. My AC is broke so it was 90 inside, and the grow box was 98 degrees. I was having a hard time dealing with the heat and lost track of the plants growing into the lights.
    We’re having a heat wave here too. It’s aweful.
    Survived the heatwave, the last 3 days temps were around 100 degrees, temps in the grow box hasn't been under 98 for 4 days. overnight it hasn't been under 80. I survived but the plants took a beating.
    Feeling old, after 4 hours of working on the car yesterday my back is acting up. The big jar of GG#4 I got for fathers day will help me get thru
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