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  • Cannot wait I ain't even got to be on a time limit to look and see what Judith looks like actually 8:00 or be 48 hours but who gives a fuck I probably still wait till 8:00 I don't know ain't made my mind up yet you know me I want to open her up so I can chop her down. Ha
    The devil went down to Georgia he was looking for a soul to steal he was in a bind he was way behind he was willing to make a deal
    Off to the dunk.... Have a good day everyone check my buds in the jar tonight. See where they're at humidity wise
    Good morning everyone hope all is well. What a beautiful day today. Well time to go to work hope everybody's doing okay and has a good one see y'all later.
    Well here I said hour and 13 minutes till I can see if I ripened anymore... Ha I'm so tired of these girls being in the dirt.
    Today was truck day finally home relaxing backstory down a little bit but all well I'm about to for rectify that with a good old doobie. It ain't going to stop me from trimming those damn leaves tonight. Hahaha
    Only say that because it's almost time to chop and after they dry I will clean out my grow tent and I will move them in there
    Thinking about going upstairs and consolidating my 00 cheese and my unknowns and Krissi to the closet. That is where I have my t5 fluorescent grow light.
    I'm so anxious to travel's nuggets off of Clementine well actually Krissi! I'd dried her for like 3 days good size nuggets too. Put her in my small mason jar humidity was like 76% a couple days ago burping it humidity down to about 62 now smelling pretty good getting as funk smell back same way that Venom did before I harvest it..haha don't really need any weed right now. Someone let her simmer in a jar for a bit. Pics on that later
    Well here we go pics are coming soon 36 more hours and counting and it will be one week since they have had any water....
    Weather here is so beautiful today 68° right now and sunny supposed to get like 75 today and tomorrow. Hell it's still winter time what's going on with this world global warming or what I'll take this weather any day.
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