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    Jamaica Dropped The Mic On 4/20 And Told The UN To Get Its Act Together On Weed

    On 4/20, the unofficial holiday celebrated by marijuana enthusiasts around the world, Jamaica called for the UN to review the status of cannabis, questioning why the drug is still legally considered as dangerous as heroin under international law. Speaking before the UN General Assembly...
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    It Is Impossible To Arrest Our Way Out Of This Problem, Canada To UN Drug Conference

    Jane Philpott is celebrating 420 by trying to blow a hole through three United Nations treaties on narcotics. "We know it is impossible to arrest our way out of this problem," Philpott told the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on drugs on Wednesday morning, which happens to be...
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    NZ: Medicinal Cannabis Rally Held In Nelson By Mother Of Late Teen Alex Renton

    Cannabis conversations are smoking in Nelson. In just one hour, over 250 signatures of support have been collected at a medicinal cannabis rally on Trafalgar's Church Steps. The gathering on Saturday saw people from all walks of life attend - families with children, the elderly and...
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    Weed And The UN: Why International Drug Laws Won't Stop Legalization

    The last time the United Nations held a special meeting on drug policy in June 1998, Sarah Merrigan was six years old. Google didn't exist yet, Apple was barely turning a profit, and only one state – California – had legalized medical marijuana. Today, Merrigan is a 23-year-old senior at the...
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    Mexican President Announces Medical Marijuana Legislation At U.N. Drug Summit

    Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto announced his plan of legalizing marijuana for medical and scientific purposes at the UN Drug Policy Summit. Peña Nieto spoke at the UN General Assembly Special Session on Drugs and referred to narcotics as a "public health problem," urging the international...
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    PA: Much Work Remains To Turn Legalization Of Medical Marijuana Into Good News

    Now that Pennsylvania has opened the door to legalized medical marijuana, those with certain ailments are celebrating while others remain concerned about where the road leads. Even states that preceded ours into legalization can't say precisely how it impacts health care, addiction levels —...
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    A Look At Marijuana Laws Around The US And The Globe

    Marijuana is illegal for any reason under federal law, but states have boldly experimented with allowing its use anyway, starting with California 20 years ago. Some states have made the drug legal for medical purposes; others have removed jail sentences for carrying small amounts; and some...
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    Medical Marijuana Debate Takes A New Form

    The recent news about a looming controversy regarding medical marijuana and an experimental epilepsy drug raises intriguing questions – but, in the long run, likely will be seen as a footnote on the road to more widespread legalization. At issue in the recent case is an experimental drug...
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    What To Know About This Week's UN Meeting On Drugs

    This week, from April 19 to 21, governments will meet at the United Nations (UN) in New York for the biggest international meeting on drugs since 1998. Canada's own delegation will be led by Health Minister Jane Philpott. But, with deep divisions on policy approaches and a process rife with...
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    Canada: Is Medical Marijuana Covered By Your Group Health Plan?

    The use of marijuana for certain medical purposes has been legal in Canada for approximately 15 years. While the medical uses of marijuana and the regulation of its distribution are similar to the use and regulation of prescription drugs, medical marijuana is generally not covered by group drug...
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    Rescheduling Marijuana: What The Move Would Mean For Researchers (Q&A)

    The federal government said recently that it is reviewing marijuana's status as a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act, a move that could loosen tight restrictions on cannabis research. In a memo to U.S. lawmakers, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency said it is reviewing...
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    Mexico's President Has Changed His Mind And Will Attend The Big UN Drug Meeting

    After much criticism coming from legalization activists and the political opposition for his decision not to attend a major UN global drug policy meeting next week, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has reversed course. Peña Nieto's office released a statement on Friday afternoon...
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    Cannabis For Catholics, Joints For Jews And Pot For Protestants

    Recently I was having a discussion with a friend and colleague who happens to share my opinion that cannabis should be legalized on all levels. I mentioned the effort in the U.S. territories. Her response during our conversation initiated some research on my part. She said that very religious...
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    Study: Medical Marijuana Linked To Fewer Heroin, Prescription Drug Overdoses

    Marijuana is said to benefit those who suffer from a host of maladies and disease. A bill signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf on Sunday allows its use in treating symptoms of 17 conditions including cancer, chronic pain and epilepsy. But that doesn't even contemplate another potential...
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    Study: Medical Marijuana Linked To Fewer Heroin, Prescription Drug Overdoses

    Marijuana is said to benefit those who suffer from a host of maladies and disease. A bill signed into law by Gov. Tom Wolf on Sunday allows its use in treating symptoms of 17 conditions including cancer, chronic pain and epilepsy. But that doesn't even contemplate another potential...
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    Federal Reclassification Of Marijuana Could Have Major Impact On Medical Uses

    Federal authorities have announced that they are reviewing the possibility of loosening the classification of marijuana, and if this happens, it could have a far-reaching impact on how the substance is used in medical settings, experts said. Marijuana is currently classified as a Schedule I...
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    UK: Waterstone's Defends Selling 'DIY' Guides On Growing & Dealing Your Own Cannabis

    Waterstone's customers can pick up various tips on how to illegally grow their own marijuana crop, make their own hashish pipes and go into businesses as a weed dealer. Most of the titles - including the Cannabis Cookbook, the Cannabis Grow Bible and Grow Marijuana Now - are available to buy...
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    Help! Heavy smoker needs help to pass

    I've been smoking heavy for about 5 years now, i need to pass a hospital drug test, im not the skinnest individual i want to know if these detox drinks or pills work for a Hospital Drug test. i need this job and ive stopped for about a week and i know for sure that it wont be clean for months...
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    Columbia Joins Mexico And Chile On Legalization Of Marijuana

    While a 1986 law allowed for the manufacture, export, sale and medical and scientific use of marijuana, the practice was, until Tuesday, never formally regulated.Current law already allows possession of up to 20 grams of marijuana or cultivation of up to 20 marijuana plants for personal use...
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    GW Pharmaceuticals Seeks FDA Approval For Cannabis Based Epidiolex

    Children afflicted with Dravet Syndrome, a rare form of epilepsy, have been effectively treated with a cannabis-based drug, Epidiolex, containing cannabinoids, the GW Pharmaceuticals announced Monday. Investors snapped up shares of the little-known firm, effectively doubling the company's market...
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