
  1. Duggan

    Duggan Does Kosher Kush With DBHBB: 4 Plants, Two Pots, Lots Of LEDs!

    A very good morning to everyone! I'm starting a new journal for my four Kosher Kush (fems). The set up is the same as the last one's with the four plants going into two, 26 gal. "Rootbuilder" pots.Over the last 3, 1/2 yrs. or so i've gotten to know quite a few very high quality people here at...
  2. A

    Thunder Bloody Mary Autoflower

    This is a Thunder Bloody Mary, Samsera Seeds. I've grown this strain once before. It was the second autoflower I had grown, and I really messed it up. Screwed up nutrients and she was overfed, also overheated, and I was experimenting with different lights. After all that, the plant still managed...
  3. Jacob Redmond

    Mexico Issues First Permits For Marijuana Under Court Ruling

    While the permit opens a crack in Mexico's prohibitionist policies, the government health watchdog Cofepris stressed that the authorization is limited to those four people only. The government's medical protection agency said the permits will apply only to the four plaintiffs who won a...
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