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    Why A Cannabis Oil-Infused Massage Is Better Than A Traditional Rubdown

    The legalization of marijuana is adding another dimension to massage therapy. At least two local clinics offer cannabis-infused lotions, creams and oils during massages in place of the usual offerings. Rian Gufarotti and Zebrina Piper, co-owners of Natural Therapeutics Massage and...
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    Hemp, Cannabis And Marijuana: What's The Difference?

    Cannabis, hemp or marijuana is our oldest crop, sown for over 12,000 years (1), and may have been domesticated over 30,000 years ago. It produces more fuel, fiber, food and medicine than any other plant (2). The seeds of cannabis produce the most productive and nutritious vegetable oil and...
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    New Oil Springs Up In Texas - Cannabis Oil

    Karley Davis has good days and bad days. On the good ones, Karley, nearly 4, has a dozen small seizures that can be controlled with medicine. On the bad ones, she may have 100 seizures, some so strong they can't be controlled by heavy "rescue" drugs, and she has to be rushed to the...
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    Alabama Legislator Pushes To Legalize Medical Marijuana Oil

    An Alabama lawmaker is seeking to decriminalize the possession of medicinal marijuana oil in a bid to help families dealing with serious epilepsy and other medical conditions. State Rep. Mike Ball, a Republican, originally supported a piece of legislation called Carly's Law in 2014, which...
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    Alabama Legislator Pushes To Legalize Medical Marijuana Oil

    An Alabama legislator wants to decriminalize the possession of medicinal marijuana oil in a bid to help families dealing with serious epilepsy and other medical conditions. The House Judiciary Committee heard public testimony last week on a bill put forward by State Rep. Mike Ball which would...
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    Georgian Families Willing To Break Law To Acquire Medical Marijuana

    Civil disobedience is as American as baseball, but the writer Henry David Thoreau could never have imagined what issues would inspire such symbolic acts come the 21st century. For example, Georgia parents who treat their children with cannabis oil to manage seizures, including several in Hall...
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    Modified Hemp Oil Bill Heads To Full Kansas Senate

    A bill that would legalize hemp oil for treating seizures advanced Thursday to the full Kansas Senate, but not before a committee made extensive changes. The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee amended Senate Bill 489 to forbid in-state hemp oil production, create different standards for...
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    Families Swear By Cannabis Oil, But Legislation To Expand It In Georgia Stalls

    Proposals to expand the use, cultivation and distribution of cannabis oil in Georgia are on life support as the state legislature enters its final week of action for 2016. But families who swear by the effectiveness of the drug know what a lifesaver it can be. A vote stalled in the Senate...
  9. B

    Cannabis oil and immunotherapy

    Hello all, This a quick summary of my mother's condition. She was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer estrogen positive that spread primarily to her liver and partially lungs in Feb 2015. She was on chemo and then in Nov we tried a clinical trial with the flu virus and immunotherapy...
  10. Serpent

    Home Made Bug Killer

    was just poking around 420 Mag and find my self reading some cool stuff have you gives ever heard of Tobacco Juice recipe to kill bugs in the veg stage i would not spray in flowering i got a plant off a buddy he got kick out of the house so i got this sorry looking plant full of thrips so...
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    Draconian Drug Laws Continue To Create Families Of 'Cannabis Refugees' Seeking Care

    Shortly after Amylea Nuñez was born in December, the newborn started having seizures, as many as 15 a day. Knowing the medicines she was prescribed by doctors at Children's Hospital Colorado could seriously damage her liver, Amylea's parents requested that she be treated with Charlotte's Web...
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    Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz Unveils Bill To Protect Users

    Rep. Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, introduced a bill Thursday in Congress to protect people who use cannabidiol oil for medical purposes in states where it is legal. HR4779, the CBD Oil Act of 2016, would bar prosecution of people legally using cannabidiol oil for medication or research as...
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    Coalinga, CA: Proposal Would Transform Empty Prison Into Cannabis Oil Production

    This city founded on the discovery of a petroleum field is looking to strike it rich in a new oil industry. Instead of relying on the black gold pulled from the ground for jobs and economic stability, Coalinga could find future wealth in marijuana by transforming its vacant state prison into a...
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    Bill Passes To Allow Medical Marijuana Oil In Virginia

    Big news today for children and adults hoping to get a form of medical marijuana to treat epilepsy. The General Assembly has passed a bill allowing cannabidiol, or CBD, to be produced and distributed in Virginia. Senator Dave Marsden said, "Marijuana is a plant and there is a process by...
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    Iowans Are Already Buying Cannabis Extract

    Dozens of Iowans have decided not to wait for legislators to make the sale of medical marijuana legal in the state. While lawmakers continue their yearslong debate on the issue, families are quietly purchasing a cannabis extract from at least two out-of-state companies that ship the oil into...
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    Georgia Advocate Takes Advantage Of Loophole

    A medical marijuana supporter says a loophole in state law encouraged him to try cannabis oil on his autistic son for the first time. Dale Jackson is an outspoken advocate for legalizing the cultivation of medical marijuana in Georgia. He says the current law addresses cannabis oil containing...
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    Legislative Deadline Snares Bill To Legalize Hemp Oil For Treatment Of Seizures

    The Kansas legislature's turnaround deadline was last week. That means many bills are likely dead for the session, including one to legalize marijuana oil for treating seizures. The oil in question doesn't have enough THC to get people high, but the politics of marijuana make the bill a tough...
  18. DRM Ranch

    Soil drench with neem oil - Part of a nutritious bug control program

    I have some plants in veg that I try to kill as often as I have these crazy ideas to try out something wack-o. Plants are clones of OSH & SSH, in grodan rockwool cubes (Cap'n Style) at various stages of veg. Today I added;1.25ml/gal neem oil, and 2.5ml/gal Coco Wet to my normal nutrient...
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    Edible Marijuana Goes Gourmet: Recipes For 20-Minute Cannabis Olive Oil, Dip And More

    Robyn Griggs Lawrence has a steak recipe so good it'll make you feel high. Literally. Seared Wagyu New York Strip with Cannabis Rub is just one of more than a hundred gourmet-inclined recipes Lawrence compiled for her Cannabis Kitchen Cookbook, now entering a second printing. Now she's taking...
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    GA: State House Committee Passes Medical Marijuana Expansion

    A key state House committee passed legislation Wednesday that would expand the list of medical conditions that can be treated with cannabis oil. House Bill 722 would add HIV/AIDS, epidermolysis bullosa, post-traumatic stress disorder, Tourette's syndrome and other disorders and illnesses to the...
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