
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Clear Choice Cannabis Supports Cannabis Patient Protection Act In Washington

    Tacoma, Washington Clear Choice Cannabis, a popular recreational cannabis dispensary in Tacoma recognized for its commitment to providing the highest quality cannabis to patients and consumers, expresses support for the implementation of the Cannabis Patient Protection Act - also known as SB...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    More Questions Than Answers As Pot Shops Move Into Town

    Keizer voters will have the opportunity to vote on attaching a 3 percent city tax on recreational marijuana sales in November. Approval of a resolution sending the matter to ballot was one of several hastily-approved measures during a nearly four-hour meeting of the Keizer City Council Monday...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Competing Ballot Measures Could Decide Englewood's Marijuana Future

    Englewood, Colorado - Peggy Bogaard-Laap is going door-to-door in her Englewood neighborhood with a petition that needs 597 signatures to get on the November ballot. Her goal? "To stop the sale of marijuana in our city," said Bogaard-Lapp, who is pushing two measures at once. The first...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Prineville Pot Shop Says It Will Sell To Recreational Users Tuesday

    The Prineville City Council wants marijuana users to know: It’s still not totally against the plant. But until the Drug Enforcement Administration decides it’s cool with pot, adults in the area who aren’t medical marijuana cardholders will have to get it elsewhere. However, Andrew Anderson...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Pharmacists Open To Dispensing Medical Marijuana, Not Sold On Recreational

    As the provincial government prepares for legal marijuana sales, pharmacists say they welcome the opportunity to dispense the drug for medicinal purposes - just don't get them into the recreational market. The Canadian Pharmacists Association released its position on medical marijuana in...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Pharmacists Open To Dispensing Medical Marijuana, Not Sold On Recreational

    As the provincial government prepares for legal marijuana sales, pharmacists say they welcome the opportunity to dispense the drug for medicinal purposes - just don't get them into the recreational market. The Canadian Pharmacists Association released its position on medical marijuana in...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Inside New Marijuana Regulations That Change Fees, Reclassify Grow Houses

    New regulations for medical and recreational marijuana businesses will go into effect today. Renewal fees for medical marijuana licenses have decreased, and the way in which retail marijuana grow facilities are categorized has changed to be more specific; plant numbers are broken into smaller...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Nevada County Sheriff, Marijuana Growers On Same Side Of Recreational Pot Initiative

    Local medical marijuana grow advocates and Nevada County Sheriff Keith Royal may have finally found themselves on the same side of an issue - opposition to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act. The act, now a certainty to appear on the November ballot, would legalize the recreational use of...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    New Rainier Pot Dispensary Feeds Appetite For Edibles

    Rainier - Before opening a new medical marijuana dispensary just outside of Rainier, Raegan Royale said she had never tried pot. When she finally gave it a try, it was in the form of a marijuana-infused gummy bear. "It was disgusting," Royale recalled, laughing. So when selecting edible...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    California May Legalize Recreational Marijuana, But There's An Issue If That Happens

    It looks like California may soon give recreational marijuana the green light. On Tuesday, the California secretary of state's office said it would add a question to the November ballot about whether to legalize the drug for recreational purposes. With a yes vote in the fall, California would...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Canada To Unveil Recreational Marijuana Rules In November

    Ottawa, Canada - Canada's health minister said Thursday that the government has formed a special task force to propose ways to regulate sales of recreational marijuana ahead of legalization in 2017. The group includes a former attorney general of Canada, an expert in pain management and...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Linn County First To Put Marijuana Issue On November Ballot

    Linn County is the first local government agency to submit a Notice of Measure Election concerning recreational marijuana production and sales to the Linn County Clerk's Office. Commissioners Roger Nyquist and John Lindsey on Wednesday approved the measure's wording that will put the issue of...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Recreational Weed Doubtful In Mansfield

    Mansfield - A referendum to legalize recreational marijuana likely to be on next November's ballot would give preference to existing medical marijuana facilities. But proponents of a Mansfield medical pot dispensary say they're sticking by their promise to steer clear of recreational weed...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Sandoval Says He's Against Recreational Marijuana, Never Smoked It

    Carson City - Gov. Brian Sandoval said he has never smoked marijuana and is against making recreational use legal in Nevada, citing concerns about its impact on young people. Sandoval said that as a former federal judge, he saw how marijuana use led young people to trouble with the law, and...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    Oregon Dispensaries Sell Close To $60 Million In Recreational Pot First Five Months

    Nearly $60 million worth of recreational marijuana was sold in Oregon during the first five months of taxed sales, according to estimated figures released Wednesday by the state. The sales estimate is based on the amount of recreational marijuana tax that retailers paid the state for the period...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Growers, Processors Face Complex Rules

    Eugene, Oregon - As recreational marijuana cultivation emerges from decades in the shadows in Oregon, residents face a vexing challenge: Where will new licensed farms, processing plants and retailers be allowed to locate? Banned outright in big chunks of the state, recreational marijuana...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    OR: Linn County First To Put Marijuana Issue On November Ballot

    Linn County is the first local government agency to submit a Notice of Measure Election concerning recreational marijuana production and sales to the Linn County Clerk's Office. Commissioners Roger Nyquist and John Lindsey on Wednesday approved the measure's wording that will put the issue of...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Legalize Marijuana For The Taxes? It's No Pot Of Gold

    Learn from Colorado's folly. Unless Arizona does something about medical marijuana, legalization won't produce promised revenues. Here's how medical marijuana will hurt Under Arizona law, a person who obtains a medical-marijuana card can purchase 2.5 ounces of marijuana, which is taxed at...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    America Wants What California Almost Has - Legal Recreational Pot

    In November, California voters will have a chance to legalize recreational marijuana. The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) would allow people 21 and older to possess as much as an ounce of weed, which would be regulated like alcohol and taxed at a rate of 15 percent. A Public Policy...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    The Changing Perceptions Of Marijuana In The USA

    Since the last federal election in 2012, the USA has seen a significant change in voter attitude towards the topic of both recreational and medical marijuana. Along with the nation's capital, four states have voted to legalise the sale and use of marijuana for not only medical but also...
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