
  1. 024backwards

    Mendocino Skunky Garlic Auto-Flower 2023

    Hey 420, It’s good to be back. I thought I would be off the board for the summer, but things have changed and suddenly I have a small window of time to slip in a grow (that’s called making lemonade out of lemons 😊). I’m going to try an auto-flower for the first time. I have to admit to an...
  2. 420giirl

    2022 Godfather OG Feminized Seeds - 4th Grow In Soil: Sponsored By Weed Seeds Express

    This journal will be my journey learning to germinate seeds. I have been asked to do a grow for @Weed Seeds Express, and I have gladly accepted. I will set 5 feminized seeds into 50/50 distilled water and 3% h202, for 15 minutes as suggested by @InTheShed. Then I will place the godfather og...
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