transplant help

  1. M

    No Transplant Shock? Germinating Autoflowers

    Why do you let seedlings/cuttings root a ball before you transplant doesn't that cause transplant shock? So i don't and i never get stunted from transplanting. I was trying to find the best method for germinating autoflowers so here is what i've got: Rockwool cubes in PH water, bang seeds...
  2. G

    35 day auto transplant question

    Soil: FFOF 40% Pearlite 40% E-worm casting 20% Lighting: After seedlings: 18-6 1000w HPS for 25 days Now: 18-6 600w LED, 65W CFL (1000w room is now on 12-12), on day 35 of total life. Nute's: FF Trio every 3rd water following schedule at 50-66.6% strength. I have never...
  3. J

    Transplant Gone Bad

    Hello everyone .. Im new to growing and new to the site.. Looking forward to a lot of helpful insight. So heres my issue.. My plants were about a month into veg. started from small clones.. about 30+ days i noticed a lot of yellowing on the leaves.. So i thought i needed to transplant into...
  4. J

    transplant gone terrible

    Hello everyone .. Im new to growing and new to the site.. Looking forward to a lot of helpful insight. So heres my issue.. My plants were about a month into veg. started from small clones.. about 30+ days i noticed a lot of yellowing on the leaves.. So i thought i needed to transplant into...
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