
  1. GIjose

    New grower Norcal

    Hay Everyone, I am an Army vet, curently full time care giver to my adult specal needs son. Ive been married to my awsome wife for 23 years, who is actively serving in the Army. Cannabis has helped me deal with anxiety, bad dreams, and really strong anger issues that developed from PTSD, CBD has...
  2. madmarv0525

    MadMarv Makes A Comeback!

    Hello 420 Fam, It has been a long time since I have been on here, so let's catch up. I am a disabled veteran, college student, and father of four. We all live in a 900sf 3br house with my mother, our two dogs, and one cat. Due mainly to poor credit decisions while I was in the Army, but...
  3. SgtBrix

    Greetings everyone!

    Howdy everyone, hope you are doing fantastic and thank you for reading this. Names Brix, id say im a relatively new grower. I do have some experience but i definitely need to learn alot more! Witch im incredibly excited about. Cannabis is my passion and i want to learn about it as much as I...
  4. WillieT0813

    New Guy In The Ozarks Saying Hello!

    Hey everyone, I am a disabled Army Veteran and I live in the Ozark Mountains of Arkansas. Medical was voted in in our State but the details are still not hashed out yet. Me being a Veteran and using the VA for my medical and they are not approving of Medical Marijuana I am left with no choice at...
  5. G

    How! High are you all!

    Just an activist from Arkansas, I am a transplanted Hoosier, and a disabled veteran, who has chronic back pain, epilepsy and a degenerative heart condition. I have had one bypass but am still here, and will celebrate my 16th year, on Valentine's Day, in February! I use what I can find in...
  6. Jacob Redmond

    California: Army Vet Faces Felony For Helping Other Veterans Treat PTSD With Cannabis

    Even though more states are legalizing medical marijuana, and federal officials have claimed that the prosecution of pot smokers is no longer a priority, the "war on drugs" continues to destroy the lives of Americans suffering from dire medical conditions. Sean Kiernan is a U.S. Army veteran...
  7. Jacob Redmond

    California: Army Vet Faces Felony For Helping Other Veterans Treat PTSD With Cannabis

    Even though more states are legalizing medical marijuana, and federal officials have claimed that the prosecution of pot smokers is no longer a priority, the "war on drugs" continues to destroy the lives of Americans suffering from dire medical conditions. Sean Kiernan is a U.S. Army veteran...
  8. sinbad

    Veterans Who Use Medical Marijuana

    Fellow veterans, even those in the Navy, beware of not renewing your meds and such. I'm currently 60% with the Veterans Administration and in the process of being "knocked" back to 30%. The reason being is the VA doesn't recognize the use of MM! Sure my doc will say, try or I 'm not against...
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