1st Time Cloning- ebb and flow few concerns


New Member
Hey this is my first grow all together. I cloned successfully in rockwool and ebb and flow system from soil mothers. I have two mothers and took 4 from each and all rooted within a week. I have a few concerns. First I read after about 3 day start to open vents and get air in the dome. I did that now that its about 2 weeks later I take the dome off for a few minutes a day and they shrivel up fast. They go back to normal after about an hour of being in the dome again but I want to know the protocol for it and how to get the dome off without killing them. Second I have a few white dots on the cut leaves and only on the cut leaves. What could this be from? Third I have a few leaves that are a little deformed. What could this be from? Next I have a lot of yellowing of the leaves and I think it's just because the new root growth, using up all the nutes. Lastly I have fuzzy white on a few roots inside. I smelled the inside of the rocks and it smelled very very warm, very humid. Lots of moisture in there, but not too much of the fuzzy stuff on the roots. How can I fix this before I have a straight mold problem? Also the container with the rocks to prevent light to the roots has black plastic on the sides and I think this is what's causing the heat in there and the mold? Anything I can do for all this with minimal spending as funds are very low at the moment. Sorry for the lengthy post but I figured the more info the better.
Thanks for reading.


I try and get a pic of the fuzz on the roots if someone really wants a pic to refer to. Just want to minimize root damage from taking out net cup from system
Just for Hana's here's pics of the mothers.

Shorter clones are from this one closest to the camera in my previous post.

Taller clones are from this one on far side of first pic in previous post.
This dwc mother was in soil before this pic and when the clones were taken. This plant was way bigger and healthier looking than the other mother also at that point in time. If I find a pic of her before in soil I will post. Feel free to let's know how I'm doing and to better produce a bigger more quality yield. If anyone can explain how to start a grow journal I would start one as this is the start to a multiple yield operation per say. I will continue to clone and expand when I learn enough to produce a higher yield. Eventually I will flower these mothers when new ones are big enough to clone.
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