23 Trival Facts - Must Read


New Member
Hello guys

I just thought after reading through many forums I thought it would be cool to compile a list of interesting tidbits:

1. H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide) 35% is much preferred over over-the-counter 3% for preventing root rot in your hydroponics setup. You can find the 35% solution in some Hydro shops. Be careful as it is strong. The 3% contains additives that are harmful to your plants. To find out exactly how much to use you can do a search as I can't remember exactly what I read earlier.

2. Reverse osmosis is overrated. If you want total control then by all means get one otherwise do a search at your local water district for contents and go through each one to see what's exactly inside your water.
Calcium and magnesium are generally added which are excellent for your plants. To get rid of chlorine which you don't want let your waters sent in your reservoir for 48 hours preferably under bubbling for removal. If using zero water you'll need to add calcium and magnesium minimum.

3. In a midday afternoon you can measure approximately 10,000 lm per square feet. Preferably you want that in your grow room. If you have a 2' x 2' grow room= 4x10,000 lm for a total of 40,000 lm for maximum crop production. Anything less than this is considered less than optimum.

4. HPS or commonly known as high-pressure sodium lighting is the most efficient per lumen. Having said that, 25% of the light emitted is wasted through yellow, orange and infrared that is not efficient for plant production.

5. Concerning CFL lighting a 42 W lightbulb is the most efficient watt per lumen output. The higher wattage bulbs get less efficient.

6. If running HPS and MH lighting it's best to use MH for the growing stage and finish with HPS for the flowering stage. What is little known is that using this technique for flowering will produce a heavier crop however it will contain not be most quality crop i.e. too much CBD. What should be done is to replace the HPS light with the MH light for the last two weeks of flowering. This will give you the best THC and taste without reducing much of the crop weight.

7. When going using CFL it's advisable to grow with 6700K and supplement 2700 K. a good ratio would be 3:1. It is not best to have only one spectrum during each cycle. When doing flowering do exactly the opposite.

8. CFL lighting starting at 125 W requires a nonstandard moguel socket, 105 W and less uses a standard Edison E26 socket or E27 it in Europe.

9. Any "T" fluorescent fixture is most efficient at the sides of the light. However, CFL's are generally okay anywhere around the bulb itself with a slight bias towards the broadside.

10. I have found the best air stones for hydroponics to be made from glass and called diffusers. They can last a lifetime with maintenance and have very fine bubbles. They are not cheap but are excellent. I am using a Boss Hogg which costs $50 but is well worth it.

11. Dyna Grow hydroponics nutrients might be one of the most efficient and cheapest fertilizer around. It also happens to be synthetic.

12. Rumor has it that Advanced Nutrients being known for manipulating their nutrient line into too many different bottles are now considering consolidation (fewer bottles).

13. LED lighting might be best served in general by using 60 to 90° lighting. Anything broader does not typically useful since penetration is generally more important than footprint.

14. Plasma lighting is brand-new and in its infancy stage. Considered to be the brightest light available.

15. The rule for topping a plant is summarized by removing the top node to produce two branches (bus sites). Removing the second node produces four new branches. Removing the third node could possibly produce six new branches. I haven't read much evidence of the latter.

16. The Magic Flight portable vaporizer is probably the most efficient and cheapest Vape in the world just under $100

17. Rubbermaid or Sterlite are excellent choices for inexpensive reservoirs for hydroponics.

18. A very efficient way of germinating seeds is two fold a paper towel in a sealed Tupperware container with just enough moisture to the moist and to open the container a couple times a day maximum. Keeps the humidity in.....

19. Using LED lighting has some issues: 1. Because of low heat soil evaporation is very slow especially large pots. 2. Plants tend to transpire less because of lack of heat. Expensive.

20. Turning lights off completely for 2 to 7 days allows plant to produce the heaviest amount of THC production.

21. It's my opinion that CFL lighting is the most efficient in respect to lumens received per dollar spent which takes into consideration heat removal expense etc.. You can also fine-tune your environment with different Kelvin wavelengths for very little money. In a pinch you can get your lights down the street at your nearest supermarket.

22. Most local stores carry 2700K CFL only. Other choices are typically purchased over the Internet from specialty stores.

23. To clean your paraphernalia I found this orange smelling liquid that you can purchase (the name escapes me) that works better than any other homebrew or purchased product for cleaning out your bongs etc.

That's it for now. I'm sure you can find a few minor mistakes and I apologize up front. Please respond with any corrections. I'm actually a newbie and a legal 420 grower but I am taking notes and learn quickly. Thanks for sharing!
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