4:20: Day of Apathy?

April 20, or 4/20, is an unofficial holiday celebrated by the use of illicit substances. National Pot Smoking Day has a hazy history; several versions of its origins exist.

One story, according to the editor of High Times, Steven Hager, recounts that this holiday began at San Rafael High School "... in 1971, among a group of about a dozen pot-smoking students who called themselves the Waldos. The term was shorthand for the time of day the group would meet, at the campus statue of Louis Pasteur, to smoke pot. Intent on developing their own discreet language, they made 420 a code for a time to get high."

Another story, found on the infamous Wikipedia, follows the same line. The entry said the 4/20 term stems from a group of teenagers at San Rafael High School who would meet to smoke marijuana precisely at 4:20, the time when detention students were released.

These two versions seem to match up well and are believed to be the real backstory. Other explanations behind the selection of April 20 include that, in police terminology, a "code 420" identifies pot smokers, and that there are 420 different chemical compounds that make up pot.

This day has different possible origins, but however you look at this holiday, it is all celebrated the same. Its various origins could involve the many different names and uses marijuana has. It has been called mary-jane, weed, grass, wacky tobaccey, cannabis, herb, the smoke, hash, reefer and the hooch. There aren't any substantial reasons why these names have become tied to marijuana, but there are sound reasons why marijuana is such a controversial drug.

Marijuana has medical benefits, even though it is an illegal drug. It is used to relieve nausea, intra-ocular pressure and depression. It can benefit cancer patients to ease the pain and stress of chemotherapy, bipolar disorder patients, AIDS patients who suffer from a lack of appetite and glaucoma patients.

The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) provides a public voice for those who favor the legalization of marijuana. This organization has successfully decriminalized minor marijuana offences in 11 states and lowered cannabis penalties in others. One of their goals is to offset the anti-marijuana propaganda used by the government and provide both sides of the argument.

NORML offered memberships last Monday for $4.20 in Washington, D.C. where they maintain the largest professional staff of this organization. "4/20 is a special date when cannabis consumers celebrate marijuana and all of its various unique cultural interpretations and accoutrements," NORML Outreach Coordinator Ron Fisher said April 17. "With the introduction of two new federal pro-reform bills, this year's 4/20 celebrations provide citizens nationwide who support cannabis law reform unique opportunities that NORML strongly encourages them to exercise."

In order to reach more people with this organization, they have created a Facebook group. They have reached and gained over 420,000 supporters. Started only last September, NORML's Facebook Cause group is the largest group of self-identified cannabis law reform supporters in the world.
If marijuana has so many supporters, and may have a future as a legal drug, what will become of National Pot Smoking day?

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: The Etownian.com
Author: Paige M. Tanner
Contact: The Etownian.com
Copyright: 2009 The Etownian, MMVI
Website: 4:20 Day of Apathy?
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