A DIY Hookah


New Member
I'm looking to build a professional grade hookah from scratch.(so no soda bottle plans).one part I'm tackleing is the bowl.I want A ceramic or clay bowl,and I want to make the clay my self.I'm tossing some ideas around my head,salt dough ckay is within my means,and I have a metric shit tonn of gypsom drywall powder,any body know how I could use it?I thought about useing flour as a binder,the gypsom would absolutely handle the heat.I wish I had plaster of paris.I am open to all recipies and maby post pics of good hookahs so I can find some ideas for the main body.I have very few tools but I do want a nice look to it.I'm sorry guys but the pop bottle bong is to tacky for me lol.I would do a jack danials bottle but I have no way to drill the holes in glass.so yea I would like some help from my 420 peers,who just so happen to be smokeing professionals.
I'm having trouble finding ways to put a hole in whisky bottles.I'd like a meathod that doesn't require a tungston/diamond core drill bit,which I'm sure costs more than this project is worth.I'm also considering just makeing a base that simply slides in the bottle neck.this would eliminate the need for holes and I can swap bottles for difrant looks.I'd prefer this method. I could use diagrams pic and any thing else y'all have here.im also planning on red leds in the bottom to color the smoke and water,but not sure how to waterproof em.I'll most likely make a base the bottle sits on with leds in the base.I saw online how you can tap a hole in glass with a screwdriver but not to sure how this would turn out.
I'm also thinking about a difuser,and was wondering if any body knows what disign gives the best performance. I'm defanatly going to assume that all the small holes will have to equal the area of the downpipe hole if draw is to be uneffected.more wouldn't hurt.but I'd like to see all types,even crazy artsy and outlandish ones.at the end I'm shooting for max performance as well as ascetic and visual awsomness.so roast a fat bowl in the name of diy science and brainstorm like crazy.maby we all will make a disign that will go viral online.never know,at least till we try.
Man,looked up ice tips and they are not cheap.may as well diy this to.I was thinking a outer case,with a smoke tube running through it,and sealed with epoxi so water can't leak.pop it in the freezer and put it on the hose tip.any ideas welcome
It appears that for a bowl I need plaster of paris. I made a nice defuser from a moisture absorption canister in a migraine pill bottle I just emptied.I'll be puting this on my ninja black double hose hookah when I get it in the mail.also found a tobbaco I want to make shisha with,its an Arabian tobbacco that has five times the nic our tobbacco has.dokha I think.I been stuck other than that.materials and tools being at an all time low,I'm finding it hard to do any project lately.damn this economy. And as I see no life on this little post I must assume everybody is either a,in my boat,or b,they simply don't give a damn.guess I'll shelf my next diy,regarding high pressure aeroponic greenhouse system with drain to waste modifications added as well as precice environmental factor controle,such as co2,oxigen,main temp,root zone temp,humidity,and lighting just to name a few,all conroled remotely via laptop.who needs that crap any way?not like we actually grow things.I will keep on this project for a while longer but may close soon if I see no point in messing with it.
Had success in makeing a ligit hookah hose,may have solved the bowl and downstem Assembly so I can set the whole unit in a base of choice.may put this on ice for a bit as I don't have proper hardware and I must build an ebb and flow system for experiments on pinto beans over winter.I'll see what happens
Yea the experiment will be testing drip systems,ebb and flow systems, floating platform hydro system,wicking system,deep water culture and nutreant film technique.I'm wanting to determan which system is best as well as what back up system I'm going to use in case primary system fails.there should also be a back up for the back up.what?I don't think anybody wants to come home to a bunch of dead pot plants.and I swear it's not overkill.just....prepared.I'll still work on this hookah in spare time,honestly I'm at a stuck point,I don't know if I need inspiration,parts or just a break from building shit,but I got no ideas for the hookah at the moment.so.....to be continued,lol.
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