All I Want For Christmas is:


New Member
:bong: All I want for Christmas is world peace, cure for all diseases, one race; the Human Race, and a stocking full of the best Indica around:bong: But not necessarily in that order. Ha ha ha LOL:peace: What do you want for Christmas?
I want my HDTV so i can play Gears Of War on HD while im stoned.

Please Santa.

I can add a lil blow job there to.
I want a nice warm bed with good tunes, and a good wake and bake session. I want no one to bother me until noon, at wich time I will demand a turky dinner.
I won't get it, but I can dream...
_qWERTY said:
I'll take a couple pounds of NYC Diesel.

hehe that would be on my list too.

a vape!
a gift card for the hydroponics shop
cures for diseases and the power for everyone to be able to access their subconsious minds while awake.( including me cuz I cant )
alls i want for xmas is my 2 front teeth..

no really i want.

1. world peace US president
3.1000 kilos of ever kind of strain excluding mids/schwagg
4.a red dodge viper convertable
5.for china not to flatten the world with there million man army.
6. oh and a nice BJ

merry xmas
Hmmm.. have you all been more nice than naughty?
:loopy: Now I need a washing machine, water everywhere. What to do washer, washing board or Gypsy Kush?:bong: Washing board for 3.99 and Gypsy Kush for X-mas. Thank you all for helping me make a logical decision.:cheesygrinsmiley: :bong: :bong: :cough:
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