Am I a candidate?


New Member
I have degenerative disk disorder, and hurt my back really badly. I'm only 18, and although my back hasn't been bugging me too hard, it has in the past, and I'm sure the MRI of my back doesn't look so good. I still get pain if I tweak it the wrong way. When it does hurt, weed helps it a ton, and it at least makes the brace they give me somewhat bearable to wear. Do you think that counts in the state of Rhode Island? Even if I live near the border in Massachusetts?
In California you'd probably pass, but might have a problem due to your age - at 18 many doctors would look askance at someone under 21 (and since CA is one of the most liberal states when it comes to MM, it may very well be that you'd have a harder time elsewhere).
I'm sure this doesn't apply to you, but when a bunch of 18-19yr olds start showing up at the dispensary with all sorts of back problems - problems which typically don't show up until someone is much, much older - people who are (stupidly) upset at the medical use laws in the community start claiming that 'kids' are inappropriately using the MM laws to simply get high - not that I think there's anything wrong with that, mind you.
In your case, the doc I saw would probably want to see a history of pain management attendance, quiz you on how long and how much opiates you are currently taking for pain relief, ask for x-rays and / or MRI's, and might only approve someone in your situation for 90 days at a time; they'd state that at 18 a person can heal much more quickly than at my age (51), and so would only need 'temporary' relief until healing occurred.
Just my 2 cents worth.
In California you'd probably pass, but might have a problem due to your age - at 18 many doctors would look askance at someone under 21 (and since CA is one of the most liberal states when it comes to MM, it may very well be that you'd have a harder time elsewhere).
I'm sure this doesn't apply to you, but when a bunch of 18-19yr olds start showing up at the dispensary with all sorts of back problems - problems which typically don't show up until someone is much, much older - people who are (stupidly) upset at the medical use laws in the community start claiming that 'kids' are inappropriately using the MM laws to simply get high - not that I think there's anything wrong with that, mind you.
In your case, the doc I saw would probably want to see a history of pain management attendance, quiz you on how long and how much opiates you are currently taking for pain relief, ask for x-rays and / or MRI's, and might only approve someone in your situation for 90 days at a time; they'd state that at 18 a person can heal much more quickly than at my age (51), and so would only need 'temporary' relief until healing occurred.
Just my 2 cents worth.

I live in CA. I've worked in a coop as a volunteer. I can give you a little insight.

I'm young enough that some of my medical issues get the raised eyebrow, questionable look, etc. But I'm older than you. Anyway, that's kind of where I'll agree with what the previous poster is saying. If I was, say, 30 years older than I am now, I'm sure the doc would be like "Oh, that's no problem" b/c the issues that I have now are completely normal for older people. But for someone in my age bracket it's like "Ok, what? I'm gonna need some documentation." And I have it. I have lots of it. When you look at my medical records/documentation, etc, then it's easy to write me a recc for MMJ b/c it's clear that I've got a lot of real problems & have also been making efforts to do things like pain clinics, etc.

Another note, a lot of coops, like the one I volunteered at, don't even allow people in that are 18. More and more I'm seeing "21 and up" only coops. And a lot of places are requiring their own medical screening along with your rec (just paperwork filled out about your medical condition/reasons for using cannabis) and use that paperwork to allow them to decide if they want to bring a new member in or not. While I know it seems unfair to do things that way, more and more places are getting tighter and tighter about how they run things, at least what I'm seeing where I have been going. It's the bad image that brings in the police and bs raids, etc. If that means keeping out some members based on age, etc to keep a low profile, while I'm not saying I agree with it, I'm saying I can see what is trying to be done by the ones taking the biggest risks (like the one running the coop - he/she takes major risks and doesn't want to attract negative attention). It's an unfortunate game of "guilt by association" b/c some people under 21 are just wanting to get high, you are prolly of those people unless you can prove you aren't.

I'm only speaking for CA & where I've been... Maybe someone from one of your states would be able to chime in more. It just dawned on me after all this typing you weren't in CA...
Don't seem fair at all. I'm not looking forward to the way a Dr. is going to look at me when I try to get a prescription (or what ever they give you) for the first time. If you'r 65 yrs old with back problems would the Dr say I'm too old?
Curious post. I am a sufferer of chronic neck and lower back pain. And, Irratible bowel syndrome. And take sleeping pills for several years.

My friends have been Muslce relaxers, anti inflammitorys. and Darvacets.

All lovely side affects, couch lock might be one, LOL.

Anyhow i will moving soon cali is ideal and i have not used it in 20 years.

I wish to change my life and educate and spread the word about it.
I have degenerative disk disorder, and hurt my back really badly. I'm only 18, and although my back hasn't been bugging me too hard, it has in the past, and I'm sure the MRI of my back doesn't look so good. I still get pain if I tweak it the wrong way. When it does hurt, weed helps it a ton, and it at least makes the brace they give me somewhat bearable to wear. Do you think that counts in the state of Rhode Island? Even if I live near the border in Massachusetts?

Hey there jsweriduk, under RI Law you CAN have a DR from neighboring Mass or Conn sign the recommendation for the RI Dept of Health. Your injuries seem to qualify but without residency inside RI you cannot obtain the card legally and enjoy it's protections.
Perhaps i sound wishy washy.

After some soul searching Nevada might be the most ideal.

Can get any BS job and grow a small amount and still keep health issues at bay with lack of humidity.

and not so expensive to live.
i have not smoked in 20 years aside from cigs, I am very open to legally becoming authorized and licensed to use. I feel it would greatly increase my life and of course the natural pain relievers are a bonus.
i have not smoked in 20 years aside from cigs, I am very open to legally becoming authorized and licensed to use. I feel it would greatly increase my life and of course the natural pain relievers are a bonus.

Hi...I am just over 50 and suffer from DJD. My issue is not so much my back but I have two artificial knees and one hip. Another hip is scheduled for later in 2011. Not that the back is cool....just not the most painful.

When my pain started....lots of opium based pain relievers, cortosione shots into the painful joints up to 6 at one visit, and any number of anti-inflamitory (liver busting) pills. My dr honestly did not know why I was still walking....

Thats when I told him I was a rec user and it helped distract me from the pain. When I take a oxy or perccocette i go to sleep...when i smoke a little MJ I go for a walk. I think that's why I am still doing so well, the exercise is helping my condition and feels really nice when im high. Not only does he agree, he's really intrigued because im not the only patient that has told him this.

Deliver us from big Pharma and the Medical Industry...Harmless natural materials... :peacetwo: no need for uber huge dr bills and uber dangerous, antiproductive, expensive, addictive drugs

instant reccomendation....
I have to say thank you.

I am glad to hear the successful side of this. Gives me hope.

I might be able to live in a more comfortable skin.
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